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Just wanting to know how long is everyone waiting for the S-05 to clean up the beer? Every beer I ferment with S05 leaves me with a cloudy beer out of fermenter (Even sitting for 3 weeks). I have split Fermented a control using S-04 to see if this has been bad practice. After 7 days the S-04 is crystal clear and the S-05 is just like other S05 brew I have brewed. I have one at the moment that looks like a good Wit and believe it or not tastes like one also? Heres the recipe to prove it aint.

5.00 kg Pilsner (2 Row) Ger (3.9 EBC)
100g Cara-Pils/Dextrine (3.9 EBC)
10gm Nelson Sauvin [11.40 %] (15 min)
60gm Cascade US Plugs [6.80 %] (15 min)
30gm Cascade US Pellets [6.30 %] (10 min)
5 gm Challenger [7.50 %] (0 min)
30gm Cascade US Pellets [6.30 %] (0 min)
10gm Nelson Sauvin [11.40 %] (0 min)

1 Pkgs S-05

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Wow, after 3 weeks my S-05 beers have a little yeast-haze but nothing like a wit. Clarity wise I'd give them 8.5/10, 10/10 being a lagered pils and 0/10 being the grimiest wiezen you could imagine.

Never had any wit flavours from that yeast, wit as in spicy/estery or wit as in yeasty?

Tried cold crashing at around 2 - 6 deg C for a week?

Maybe a bad batch of the yeast going around?

Kinda wanna say infection but with the S04 being clear seems unlikely that would be the case.
I Crash cooled the now Wit for 5 days at 3 deg, then kegged and has been sitting in the fridge again for the past 4 days, that was the Ale that sat in the fridge for 3 weeks. Its Yeastie estery and has Pentanedione? didnt expect that. it tastes like a Wit loads and it actualy tastes allright but not right in the same token if you know what I mean. I dont want to say a bad batch because im not expericed enough to blame it on the yeast more my practice but there is a doubt. maybee the place I get it from? I might do another experiment on my beer Im going to brew tomorrow.
Interesting. With it being in the fridge that long it makes me wanna say infection again but the S04 did OK.

One would have to look at the S05 yeast itself if the S04 did alright on a split batch. And with Mr Cherry's comment below makes me wanna say a bad batch of yeast? But maybe someone with more experience could comment? Everything I've heard about S05 as a yeast has been good, never heard of any flocculation problems.

I've got an APA with S05 that was purchased about two weeks ago from Brewer's Coop and all looks good so far but haven't tasted it yet.

Also bought a sachet today for probably Friday, has "03 2009 SWBC" stamped on it. Dunno if that's a batch number but if it turns to shit I'll let you all know in 4 weeks :-P
That's interesting Mike. I've had the same issue with my last two batches. Previous batches were nice & clear, last two coudy as hell & very sweet.

I got mine from Great Expectations, how about you?
Yeah Great Expectations!! I have brewed 2 Golden ales, 2 Pale Ales and this test in the past 2 months. while 1 pale ale suffered from chill haze (warmes to 12 deg it was fine) the rest have all suffered the same death!! I also brewed an American IPA which I thought was hop Haze but turned out to be chill haze cleared at 10 deg but that was with Wyeast 1056. I find I am having the same issues under attenuation and sweet. Lucky I seen an Private collection Imperial wyeast, other wise my Imperial IPA would suffer the same fate!! Do I ask the question is the Yeast Dodgy?
I hope it's not dodgy. I have two more sitting in the bath right now! I'll be f*cked off if these ones are screwed. I've tipped so much bad beer out lately that it's starting get me down and I have nothing to drown my sorrows with:(
No beer here either just this keg of what is now a Wit? Let us know how you get on with those brews. As I am not going to use S05 if you are have the same issues!!
Sounds like less than ideal yeast pitching conditions - poor viability: stressed yeast producing phenolic compounds similar to what you would get from underpitching. You should check the bb date on he pack - then create a liable suit suing for lost profits and lost time.
And then you can split that imperial yeast starter and go 50/50's with JoKing. Sounds like good advise - you should go for it!
And then after that - you should hook JoKing up with one of those cigars you are smoking - he would appreciate it. Sounds like some of the best advise ever offered in 2009 - GO FOR IT..... IMPERIAL YEAST - CIGARS...!!!
Yeah and hook me up with a cigar.

I'd actually like to try some cigars but have no idea where to start, where to look, what to buy, what to expect.

Last time I had a cigar was on the night of my 5th form ball, was cheap as chips and tasted like tree bark.
DenimGlen - start with Montecristo. I bough a box of #5's for my wedding. They were the best I've had. only 3 left now - one for me my Dad and may Father'n'law - for when the wife pops. Sorry I didn't save one for you mate: didn't think iabout it at the time!


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