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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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Haven't got any but I am about to start the hunt for it, thinking I won't be pruchasing in NZ though as I don't think anyone has any left, do you know of any floating around?

yeah the old shortage http://www.pubshop.com.au/shop/details.asp?PID=1006 funny how in little old NZ its brewery only but they seem to end up on the shelves offshore, but I suppose it's the theory of supply and demand and getting the best return for your buck and all that,

I will give you a yell closer to the time to organise some for the brew, cheers

Gonnahave to get me a stock of that riwaka when you get it aidan.

I pitch 2 packs of US-05.

Anyone have any good recipes for Smoked Porters etc.?

How does this look for an extract + partial mash version of Yeastie Boys Digital IPA recipe;

(original here: http://yeastieboys.posterous.com/private/zxigAwFivj)

Also anyone have a good Black IPA recipe???

I've got the PKB approximation at work, direct from stu, I can post it tomorrow if you'd like?

Yes please!!!!! (if he doesn't mind, of course)

Thanks, jeez they're good buggers for sharing their recipes!

Cheers for that, was also thinking about doing a porter/stout soon so it has some time to age before winter so the PKB recipe will still come in handy. I'm a bit of a newbie and haven't yet got set up for all grain but I'm attempting my first extract + partial mash soon with the Digital recipe above, if that turns out well I'll have a crack at yours in similar fashion. I'll be interested to hear how it turns out if you brew it.

As promised, heres what Stu e mailed me the other day:

"Hi Rob
The recipe attributed to me at the following link is a good place to start your PKB adventure. 


We've played around with PKB more than any other recipe we make, over the last few years, but have moved back to close to this original homebrew recipe over time. The hopping is slightly different but that is the hop schedule I think works the best and where we'll end up again."
hope this helps.


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