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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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Planning on brewing this this weekend. A brown ale if you will. Hoping for something that will be an easy drinker. not too bitter, not too malty. Something nice and balanced with a abv around 4% give or take. Based roughly on this recipe http://www.beersmith.com/Recipes2/recipe_273.htm (although I think I can do a little better than his actual OG and FG. I don't know a lot about brewing, but I know this guy fucked up). I will be doing this BIAB way. Recipe adjusted for what I had in stock.


3.85 kg Global Colonge malt

.225 kg Carapils

.225 kg Crystal Pale (90 EBC)

.100 kg chocolate malt


Mash for 60mins @ 68*


45 gm East Kent Golding @ 60mins

15 gm East Kent Golding @ 10mins


Yeast US-04


Could this be improved/any obvious problems? Currently have some amber malt, vienna malt, pearl malt, carared and melanoidin and also nelson sav hops, rakau hops and green bullet.


Cheers guys

Hi Paul.


I think the actual OG and FG Jay provided are the default estimates provided for by the BeerSmith program so the guy probably didn't feck up, just didn't fill in these feilds.


Best of luck

It'd be great bittered with Sauvin !

"... although I think I can do a little better than his actual OG and FG. I don't know a lot about brewing, but I know this guy fucked up..."


Haha, just the default values in Beersmith.


Should be good.  Shoot for about 1.044 - 1.046 and about 25 - 30 IBU.  I'd mash a degree higher personally.


I wouldn't really add anything to it at this stage.  It's a nice simple recipe and will make a good baseline beer you can adjust later.

Thanks for the input guys. I'll keep it as is then. Depending how well it goes, I may add Nelson Sauvin next time.


OK, the Super Alpha Pale Ale - SAPA - is trucking along in the garage, maybe not in optimal conditions, but I'll just call it a seasonal release from Bad Practice Shabby Technique brewery and bullshit my way through the faults with bold flavour descriptions !

So next is the Brown version, Same grainbill as the last brown, 6% Cara, 12% Dark Crystal, 4% Pale Choc, 2% Choc and a smidgey of Black

But I'm going to wind it back to 1.033 - the metservice reckons it's going to be warm through to March so I want another nice Lo OG quaffer

So what do you reckon to the hop additions ?
The Pale was a bittering addition then 1gm/litre at 10 5 & 0
I was considering winding the up the 60 minute addition and dropping the 5 minute addition

Ideas ?

I reckon more bittering for the brown will be better. Will be interesting to hear how Super Alpha tastes in a late hopped brown, I reckon its probably best as a bittering hop for stouts and porters and as an aroma hop in paler beers. I used it with Sauvin in a blonde ale and it worked quite well to balance some of the fruit from the sauvin with a good dose of grass.


Did a hydro test for the best bitter I brewed last wednesday last night. Down to 1.010, and tasted really . Really pleased with how S-04 went, hops are slightly subdued (as expected) but the Styrians and Willamette seem to work really well with the slightly tart yeast profile. It also turned out much cleaner that when I have used S-04 in the past, managed to keep it at 16-18 for the first three which helped hugely. Will certainly benefit from a decent wack of dry hops, I'll probably go for slightly over 2 gm/litre. I love imported Styrians.

The Pale was a bittering addition then 1gm/litre at 10 5 & 0
I was considering winding the up the 60 minute addition and dropping the 5 minute addition

For a direct comparison I went with the same hops as the pale - masho !

Tuatara APA,


This is my favourite beer at present I love the passionfruit.


Does anyone know what hops they use for this beer and better still, could someone rough out a clone recipe.


from their blog


For the beer geeks, it uses US Cascade, US Simcoe and US Amarillo hops. The speciality malts are Maris Otter and Low Colour Crystal which is needed, Carl explains, “to balance out the big hop.” Those big hops produce around 60 IBUs (International Bitterness Units) and there is plenty of weight at 5.7% alcohol.

So is there any NZ hops that will provide that big passionfruit flavour that could swap in. Raukau or Riwaka maybe?


Riwaka has been known to throw the odd bit of passionfruit around... but you can't beat the Simcoe and Amarillo combo for it. There's still a wee bit around if you ask the right people.


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