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This is quite amazing. See attached file (you may need to download it and open it with Adobe Reader)

The sooner this lunacy is challenged and defeated the better!

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The 6-7 free pints of Brewjolias at the last Wellington meeting more than paid my $30 joining fee. I must've saved about $30 getting mates rates at regionals too.
$30 is nothing compared to the cost of not having a SOBA.

Imagine a life where the big boys of brewing dictated everything beer related and there was nobody challenging them or driving the quality beer angle.

Surely you don't need ALL those text books?
I'm sold.
I purchased a bottle of Emerson's JP tonight from Rumbles in Wellington (mainly a wine shop with some great beers too). This A1 sized sign was pride of place in the window. Good on ya Rumbles!

A ton of his customers probably have no idea but Mr Rumble is a legend of the underground resistance in New Zealand. He's fought many a battle.
Sounds like an Allo Allo sketch.........
That rocks. Pure and simple.
Absolutely awesome. I am really impressed that the picked this up from the press it had already been receiving which is also awesome. Go Grieg.
Awsome stuff, well done to all. Well done to SOBA for keeping the issue alive. Keep up the great work
And if you guys aren't on the SOBA email list, Ian Caig sent this around this morning, clip from Campbell Live last night: http://www.3news.co.nz/Video/CampbellLive/tabid/367/articleID/10200...

Email some big 'thanks' to James & Wells (www.jaws.co.nz).
I wonder how many times DB's cronies have checked this site or SOBA's site... maybe planting moles is not above them!

OOOOeeerrrr conspiracy theory... would love to check the IP log for the sites....
Just been talking with the beer reviewer in CANTA about this, he emailed me back with this: "In response to that link I am now doing a full page article on Radler and the naming rights surronding it. It should be published on the 18th and I will be emailing around to see what kind of responses I can get from all involved."
It's even better, because DB has control over the student bar (which includes Radler on tap), owned by the UCSA, which also.... owns CANTA.


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