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So adding the grains to the water is one step I really stuggle with on my own its seems to hard to stir and pour at the same time....what do you guys do Im thinking about going to get one of those paint stirrer things you put on a drill and using that instead of my little paddle


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Not that I do this but you can add the grains dry and gravity feed your water from an HLT to your mash tun from underneath. This way you apparently don't need to stir the grain. Not sure how well it works and may not be possible depending on your set up but it could be an option.

Has anyone tried this yet I believe its called underletting

My understanding is that underletting's used to free a stuck sparge or to loosen the mash at the start of the sparge - at least that's how I've seen that technique used.

My 2c worth - I transfer about 7-10 litres of strike water then dump my grain in, mix well then continue adding the balance of your strike water gradually and stirring to make sure it gets completely mixed in between additions - never had a doughball ever. Stir every 15 minutes too.

No stir sounds like a great idea but there's a reason you see those massive mash paddles in photos of old school commercial breweries.

I underlet. Works well for me. Still needs stirring but I get less dough balls etc.

We were underletting at The Far Canal. Went back to stirring because our efficiency dived and when we dumped the last mash out there were big bits of dry stuff (even some flour). This is after what we thought was a pretty decent stir.

20+ kg of grain though, that could make a difference in how effective the stirring is.

I only ever under let and so far have never got a dough ball would reccomend it

I would like to see this in action before I try it

you are more than welcome to call round next brew day I'll send you a message

def bro keen as even just to watch you underlet

What is your grain in prior to adding? My local supply shop puts it in big paper bags. I find it easy to stick this under my arm and pour slowly into the tun (at waist height), just stirring at the point where it hits the water, string fully once it has all been added. My mash tun is quite wide so maybe this helps. I can't imagine how a drill would help, other than speed things up. 

Big paper bag.........Im mashing in a 10gallon cooler, Maybe I'm just being fussy.......

So I tried this today worked ok.....BUT got a semi stuck sparge


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