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Has anyone bought a March pump (or similar) recently? If so, from where? I'm finally in the market for a pump. MoreBeer in the States are claiming about NZ$300 landed. I've seen some on TradeMe for about $220.
What's good?
There are actually a few crowds in NZ that sell actual march pumps. Saves the hassle of getting ones in from the U.S, and the power is already 240V.
Price is the same as imported though.
Hi Martin, I'm in the same position - almost. I've convinced the family that it's far too dangerous to be having all that hot liquid and trying to lift it or move it around. So I've been given approval to check out pumps.
I was taking a look around the forum yesterday and noticed some people with one of these pumps. If I recall correctly it looked like a picture from Joking had one with a brew-system - are they any good? And what model would people recommend? The more power the better? I had been thinking of also using it to rig up some whirlpool chilling.
I bought one of those Tempercon pumps off TradeMe - it seems to work OK but I have no experience with the March pumps to compare against.
The thing to know about those pumps is that they have no threaded nipples to attach hose or fittings to ie. you have to clamp your hose/disconnect fittings to the inlet and outlet.
I had a bit of mucking with getting them attached securely and had to buy some extra hose with a larger ID to attach my stainless cam couplers to it as the nipples didn't fit the 1/2" hose I already had.
Sorry - can't remember what the actual diameters were and not too keen to pull it to pieces but my 1/2" hose had to be quite forcibly stretched to push over the nipples.
The main issue though was that the inlet (the one in the centre of the plastic pump housing) was very short in length and while the hose could be forced over it, I was using some quite stiff walled 1/2" white rubber washdown hose that would try to spring off as it was clamped because there was not enough of the nipple inside the hose.
You may have a different experience with different hose though.
It's a bit of a shame as a bit of googling revealed that these are actually mass produced with threaded fittings as well - perhaps the guy just bought a bunch without checking them out properly.
To be honest, in retrospect I'd probably go for the genuine March pump.
I've just confirmed a supply of March pumps. The model is http://www.marchpump.com/809pl-hs/
Fairly limited supply at the moment, pricing is the same is if it was imported from morebeer, but doesn't have the inherent hassle of Customs, 110v - 230v conversions, plug conversions etc.
The 1/2" MPT fittings are the bonus. Any 1/2" BSP fitting will thread straight onto it.
$340 is the GST inclusive price. I only have a couple left now - this thread has proven to be popular. I'll be selling them through Liberty - but probably won't get around to list them before they're all gone..
Bump, I was looking at those pumps like druid bought on trademe (tempercon mag drive march pump rip offs) And thought "hmmm, I bet I can get these cheaper from china"... and sure enough aliexpress has the exact same pumps, often with free shipping, for better prices. eg. http://www.aliexpress.com/product-fm/449831967-Resun-MD40-Magnetic-... . That's an 80W version for cheaper than the 15W versions on trademe. Here is a 35W version for $100USD with free shipping: http://www.aliexpress.com/product-fm/449835093-Resun-MD30-Magnetic-...
Any enquiring minds should be able to find equivilants with good savings. Cheers.
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