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I'm about to order some more specialty malts and stock up on the ones that a are low. Any last requests?

I'm also buying some koppafloc and iodophor. Is anyone interested in peracetic acid and/or alkali cleaner?

And then I'll get around to "sponsoring" realbeer. Help keep the homebrew love alive.

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I'll try to have them in this week... will let you know.
Arrived yesterday: chocolate wheat, rye, melanoiden, carafa special II (dehusked), vienna (+ more base malts, plus a few specialties which were running low).
The iodophor did too. Koppafloc and Magi-fine (isinglass) should arrive today.

I'll get them on the website tonight...
Guys, I just got a good deal on a damaged 25kg bag of carrageenan. I am selling of the surplus for $30/kg +gst if any one wants some? shipping is $5 any where in NZ.

I also have detailed instructions for use if required.


Stephen, is that a kettle fining agent? Irish moss or the like? Pardon my ignorance but I've not heard that name for it and google results are ambiguous.
Sorry, should have been more clear. Carrageenan is basically improved Irish moss, koppaflock is a brand of carrageenan. It is in granule form and is a very effective kettle flocculant which also encourages post ferment yeast settling.
1kg will do you about 1000 30L brews. Not sure what the shelf life is but $30/kg is 1/3 of the price that I can get it... go for it fellas!
Stu if you have it, will you do smaller sizes?
yeh, but as i said earlier, you'll be looking at $8/50g. I've not got a price yet bit it'll be on the website as soon as it arrives. Steve's giving it away at that price. It's most likely been a freebie as he's well under wholesale price.
Got a damaged bag at reduced cost, no freebie.

Storage and Stability -
KoppaFloc® Granules should be stored in a cool, dry place and protected from variations in temperature.
KoppaFloc® Granules can be kept for 2 years if stored unopened under recommended storage conditions.
Keen on some koppafloc.

I'll probably take a couple kilos of the specialties as well depending on financial position at the time.
I'll give the koppafloc a go as well. And I'll do a stock take on my malt and see what I need/want.


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