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Hi All,

I just have set up my kegging system and Im really happy with the results. The only problem is I only have one keg and I really need another. Im having trouble sourcing one at the Nelson area at the mo.

If you have one to sell that's in ok condition please let me know.

Postage is a killer with these things so closer to Nelson the better.



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Might be worth dropping by your local homebrew store or asking on the Nelson group - they might have some hookups for you. I recently got some of the reconditioned ones from brewshop, think they came in at around $100 inc postage to Chch, not sure if you'd get stung for more postage being off the main line but worth a look.

Hi. Thanks. Have checked locally and no luck. The brewshop are out of stock and they are on trademe but are few and far between. And the postage can be a fair amount as well.

Really don't want to go back to bottling every second brew

There is one on trademe at the moment, looks to be based in Nelson.


Hi Malcolm, 

Thanks for that. Im on the watch list. Guess I will need to wait it out.  Funny how there is a real shortage of kegs at the mo


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