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... that evaporates at about 10 - 18 degrees C but is non-flammable, and is available to the public.

I have found flammable ones only with google.


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No idea, but my I ask why? Very intrigued...

I guess this will be at room temperature and normal atmosphere pressure too?
I'm looking at making a mini refrigeration unit and need a refrigerant.

And yep, room temp and at one atmosphere.

Could you get one of those fridge repair crowds to fill it with freon (or whatever it is) for you?

Also I've seen on a homebrew forum a guy tear the shell off a small 'beer fridge' and reuse it's innards to make a custom fermentation chamber. I'll have a dig around for the thread if you'd like?
Here's the thread I was talking about, might provide some inspiration or something.
Nice link. Thanks for that.

I'll have to see if there is space for a larger refrigeration unit.


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