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Gidday Folks...


As a displayer, I will have the opportunity to have 2 of my beers on display at Beervana. I have already decided what one of them is going to be... however - I'm as yet undecided as to what the 2nd beer should be.


I'm telling you now - it can't be "Never Go Back". I don't have the ingredients to brew it yet... and they wont arrive in time in order for the beer to be in good condition for Beervana.


So I'm leaving it to all of you: my good friends at Realbeer.co.nz.


Some of you have had my beer before... some haven't. If there was one that you really liked - what was it? Do you want to see it at Beervana? If you haven't had it... but really wanted to try some and never got the chance - what was it?


I hope this doesn't come across as a cop out! I've always wanted to be a bit more interactive with my brewing. I'm not one of those guys who says "this is my beer - if you don't like it... tough luck".


Beervana is something special - people pay a lot of money to get there and drink good beer. In my opinion - it's only right for you to know what to expect before you even leave home.


Kind regards, Joe.


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American Landlord, MMMMoMMftCHv3, or Darkest Days...


See, choice! ;)



Duly noted Greig.


Darkest Days: 1

MMMMoMMftCHv3: 1

American Landlord: 1

West Coast Blonde - Amarillo. Or TSB!

How about imperial TSB.....?


Oh wait - that kinda defeats the purpose!


Darkest Days: 1

MMMMoMMftCHv3: 1

American Landlord: 1

WCB Amarillo: 1

TSB: 1

I should note - that I'm brewing for this in the weekend.
Noted... I plan on brewing that in November for the U.S hop harvest... but as it is at the moment, I have no Summit hops - so have to count it out. Sorry bro.
American Landlord.



Darkest Days: 1

MMMMoMMftCHv3: 1

American Landlord: 2

WCB Amarillo: 1

TSB: 1

I might moot an option with a beer called C!tra

WCB Amarillo as I never got to try it when it was out.



p.s if you can, volunteer at beervana


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