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Hi there. 

Some buddies and I are looking at trying to start a microbrewery, but seeing as we have never done such a thing we are sifting through all the regulations and such.

For you pro's out there, which laboratories do you use for testing your alcohol content to satisfy the Custom's regulations?

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There are various testing protocols and if it is similar to Australia then determining ABV  by calculation is satisfactory when brewing volumes less than 100,000 L per annum but requires analytical methods above this volume.

As I have set up laboratories to do this including the one I worked for you could start by using the distillation method and if so desired using gas chromatography.

Alternatively, you can outsource your analyses to a good laboratory, one of which is located in Australia. 

Hope this helps but if you have further queries just drop me a line.




Used to work for them, probably not that expensive. NZ Owned Company.


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