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Hi, I'm taking the next step and getting a kegging system. Does anyone (a) have one for sale (preferably with fridge) or (b) know the best place to by one?

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I say build one, as it is very easy. Starting point is fridge big enough to hold the number of kegs you want to have on hand. I built one from $60 fridge of trademe and spray painted it. It holds 5kg CO2 bottle and 3 kegs. All up, including two taps, drip tray, kegs, regulator and co2 bottle = $1000.

There is a good video on youtube of how to do it.

Thanks Chris,

I don't have any problem building one, it just seems that all the parts combined seem to cost more than some kegging systems that I've seen sell for (atm I think I can build a two keg system with one tap and gas bottle for $900 + fridge. I did see one go on trademe for about $600 last year). I was hoping that someone could point me towards a supplier of a complete system (including gas bottle).

Where did you get all your parts from?

Most from karl at allgrain.co.nz and brewshop.co.nz, CO2 from some guy on trademe and drip tray from homebrew site in US. It's worth importing as much as you can under the $350 customs limit, especially if you find someone else to share postage or move the excess you don't need.

I really enjoyed making mine - custom paintjob was great fun. PM and i will send you some pictures.

thanks again Chris, I like the idea of getting it from allgrain because my next quest is to find a decent grain supplier. PM on its way


Complete kit including a bar and 2 controlled environments 

Well,I bit the bullet and bought a 2 keg copper tun system from thebrewhouse.co.nz/ ($499.00) service was very prompt, it arrived the next day. Unfortunately it came with no instructions and, after e-mailing them and getting no reply, I have started putting it together. Gas bottle (5kg $280.00), from Skute at trademe  (thanks to Clinton for that link), arrived today so all I need now is a Fridge, but that shouldn't be too hard, and I'm good to go.

thanks to Chris & Chris Houston for your replies.Chris Houston, I will pm pictures when it's all put together




Nice work. You will not miss washing bottles!

If you need a drip tray, I'll do mates rates on the one i have for sale on Trademe.

Keen to see the pictures when you got them.

Well, I got a fridge on Trademe ($10!!) and put it all together on the weekend. I had already started pressurizing the keg at room temperature (with a brew that was in a 20l cube on the floor of the shed all winter) so I put it in the fridge and poured my first beer from kegs on Sunday. Photos attached

Made a couple of rookie mistakes. first, I put a kink in the gas line because I jammed it into the jug while it was boiling to make it soft enough to fit on the barb (easily fixed). Second, in setting out the holes for the taps I spent so much time making sure the taps fit on the flat part of the butter conditioner inside, I didn't check the outside and now, when I open the freezer door, I turn on the tap (not so easily fixed)

The beer tastes awesome by the way. and not a bottle brush in sight.

Thanks to everyone for their advise, now to save up for a party keg system

Nice job - love the cut out for the CO2. Can't argue with $10.


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