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Just Heard About pH Levels, What Does This Mean For My Untested Brews?

Hey guys I was just reading on FB about this guy that has had bad luck previously with his Pale Ales and this time cracked it because his pH levels were much better, I wasn't even aware of this.....It has never been mentioned to me by anyone so now a bit concerned as to whether my first batch will be any good at all?



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read how to brew... chapter 15 covers pH. You are getting into advanced topics which I would not worry about until you have several more brews under your belt. What you have in the fermenter will be fine, don't get into doing water adjustments yet. 

Hey thanks for the reassuring words mate. I figured it might be as I was told that normal tap water should be fine for my strike water. When I get 'real serious' with my beer (by that I mean, when it's important to make the next step to next level) then I will be very critical of....well...everything but just hoping first beer is a good one.


sounds like your getting well ahead of yourself. take a step back and read how to brew or something similar. it has all the answers you will need. I no it's easier to ask but trust me read that and you won't really need to

Hey I did buy the book but unfortunately I found the print to small to read, even with my glasses, but I see there is a online version which i have on my favourites. I know I am super new to home brewing but I do pick things up pretty quickly, like starting with All-Grain brewing never tried extract. I did a cold crash on my first brew with the fridge I converted into a fermentation fridge wired up to a STC 1000 so great for maintaining temp. Dry-hopping and bottling. I like to challenge myself and keep pushing the boundaries on noobism haha. I write my own recipes and now starting on my 3rd brew shortly. i will read to the book online and look on there for his advice too. I have only heard great things about it.


Sounds good but learn to walk before you run. Great recipes take a shite load of knowledge regarding ingredients. I like your enthusiasm but wait until you have some brews under your belt before diving too deep.
Yeah I know what your saying, and true . Thanks mate.


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