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Just wondering if anyone else had noticed a deterioration in the quality of Panhead ales. Supercharger was my go to bought beer for ages. But I began enjoying Liberty's Uprising more, and Kereru Resonator too, and stopped buying Panhead altogether. It just didn't seem as 'good as it used to be'. I wondered idly if the recipe had changed since the Lion buyout, different suppliers maybe, but thought that was maybe all in my head.

Either way I stopped drinking Supercharger for a good few months, then this weekend I picked up a six pack as there was nothing else I fancied in the supermarket, and have found it a huge disappointment. The first bottle seemed to have off flavours. A kind of over-ripe bananery undertone ond odour. The second bottle was more like the Supercharger of old, though still lacked the biscuity flavour I liked it for so much back when it was my regular. I compared odour of both empty bottles, and the first had that bananery odour, while the second did not. The third was back to bananery, though not so strong. So I'm left wondering if they are now struggling with quality control issues.

I used to love this brew. Now I'm left wondering why, or has it genuinely deteriorated in recent months. So I thought I'd post here and see if others had experienced anything similar?

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the downside is no bottle conditioned Bird Dog,   still the new Bird Dog is great, I just loved that HB thing.

So, I got good feedback from Panhead. Good customer service. They claim to be withdrawing the offending batch. So keep an eye out for batch number 1890 on your shelves :)

Here's the email:


Hey there Jules,
Thanks for letting us know of your experience. It's not what we are aiming for when a punter has a go at one of our brews- we don't like anyone having to drink broken beer! (especially a fan)
If possible can you please supply me with the batch number on the top shoulder of one of the bottles?  
We're currently undertaking a withdrawal of a limited number of batches due to an acetic/citrus off-flavour being present in the beer, which seems to be issue you are experiencing with your current brew.
Rest assured we have our technicians on the case and are making it our top priority to find out whats going on.
Most importantly, please flick me your address and I'll get you some clean brew on the road. Ditch the un -drinkable stuff..it's our duty to supply you with a replacement!
Please forward your details to feedback@panhead.co.nz
Kind regards
Rachel Burnnand
Your Customer Service Representative

Yep, they have some pretty good service, being backed by a bvig company like lion gives them the ability to replace these types of things.

They did it for me awhile back when 1 ofthe 12 cans were empty. they sent a whole new 12pack.

i wasnt too bothered, but they were brilliant.

hopefully they sort out the problem,. cos in general is a tasty beer.

Malteurope malt now..


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