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Hey all. W34-70 has popped up a few times lately on some things I been listening to and reading and I see it is being used (successfully) in IPA by some, and Brulosophy did an experiment where the w34-70 beat out the American 05 in their IPA brewed. But in the bjcp there is obviously no category for bottom fermenting IPA’s. Are they actually IPA? or is there a category for a lager with IBU 30-60 and ABV 5-7. Etc etc. I cant see one.

I recently did a split batch so had a chance to use my w34-70 in an ipa. Not yet tasted. What can I call it?


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My opinion is that because the A in IPA stands for ale, it must be brewed with an ale yeast, however the NZ government are quite happy for Tui to be labelled an IPA despite being a lager. They say that they are allowed to lie about what it is because they have been doing it for such a long time!


I've seen a few commercial ones referred to as IPLs. Urbanaut do a very tasty one.

Yep I saw IPL mentioned around a bit. But you would need to larger your beer to really call it a lager and with these “flexible “ yeasts you can ferment at 18c in 10 days and not lager so it’s more of an ale in that case. Thanks anyways I guess it doesn’t really matter I was just curious. Cheers

Panhead apparently use an ale strain for their Port Road Pilsner so as long as it tastes good...


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