I need to transport 100+ 750ml bottles to a wedding, including driving 25kms on a gravel road. I am assuming this is going to stir up quite a bit of the yeast... Anyone have any idea how long I might need to leave it to settle after this ordeal?
The folks doing the case swaps - is there much need to leave the posted bottles for a while before drinking?
I'm a bit of a pisshead, and just drink them straight away.
If you chill the bottles, it should settle overnight - maybe in big buckets of ice? It depends on how much yeast is in the bottle and if the yeast is powdery, or packey, So, US-05 - thats powdery, and if there is 5mm or more in the bottle, it'll take a few days to settle again, unless the bottle has been stored upright and has remained unmoved for the last month. wlp002 is packey and you shouldn't have much yeast in the bottom because of how it behaves in the fermenter. You could be drinking from that bottle after 12 hours of transportation.
So with all those variables in mind, what yeast did you use, and how much is in the bottles?
One of them was US-04. The other three batches I am intending on taking (depending on tasting!) were all brewed with a mystery yeast donated by Tasman Brewing.
None of the bottles have more than 5mm of yeast in them, all bottles have been stored upright, and moved at most twice... The first 3 batches were brewed between 15th - 30th Jan, and the last on the 14th Feb.
The two substitute beers (in case of anything coming out wrong) were also brewed in the 15th - 30th Jan period. These have already been tasted and are good to go if required :)
As an aside... 15th Jan - 14th Feb shall go down as a bit of an epic effort all round. It saw us crank out
160 litres of beer
36 litres wine
21 litres mead
2 litres schnapps
I'm a novice, but in my (limited) experience, a couple of hours cold in the fridge will make a big difference. Just make sure the bottles are poured correctly (ie carefully) to not stir up the yeast. I went to a 'homebrew' wedding about a month ago - the wait staff were really cocking it up until I showed them how to pour a home brew better.