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how many grams of co2 to carb a 19L keg...

before you  have  leak? 


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My 5kg bottle lasts well over a year of continuous use.

yeah i have a leak

its in in post thats there is an issue 

I use CO2 to push the beer into the keg, to carbonate it, and to serve it, and 2 kg of CO2 does me 12 x 25 litre kegs.


I am pretty sure the leak is in the gas "in" post connection,   can you take the white corny disconnects apart to clean them (or soak them in something???)    I will swap out the o rings on the gas posts as well.    Just refilled a 13.8kg cylinder for $40 in Grey Lynn.  Thats 50 kegs smiffy....   maybe a while until I need to refill with luck.

I assume you test with soapy water spray to find leaks?

I don't think the disconnects dismantle. They're one piece no? Not sure soaking would work either – they're sprung shut.

Are you sure it's not the keg post/poppet? They come apart to clean at least.

Try some food grade silicon lube on the post, that might free things up a bit and get your seal back.

Spray with Star San. It simultaneously sanitises, lubricates and identifies leaks.

Aren't the gas disconnects the same as the liquid in terms of assembly. The back/top piece undoes with a big flat head and the spring and valve piece also comes out.

They'll be the same for sure, I thought though they were one moulded piece. Obviously incorrect, give it a nudge Peter.

it seemed last night that the little ball at the top of the corny post wasn't sealing well.  I think a good clean out may solve my issues,   I have been using the gas bottle since December and It wasn't anywhere near as heavy as it is now its just been recharged,   I think my leak is new and probably due to bad (read no cleaning of the in/out posts,  I have 4 new o rings from BC so will lube them up and clean everything...  Have an Epic Pale Ale to carb...)   Going to brew a robust porter tonight for the WBC so will do some cleaning as I do some brewing....

i replaced all the o rings on gas in posts, took the gas in post off and striped down no issues now.....

I have to say god I love those john guest fittings.... NEVER had an issue...

I have an audible leak on the gaspost, only on connection to the disconnect, began carbing to 25 psi for force carb. and over a period of about 4-6 hours the psi dropped to 20. and i could hear a faint hiss sprayed the starsan and saw bubbling coming from under the disconnect, the seal doesnt seem to be sealing, replaced o-ring still no good.

Going to pop into where I bought it from to get a new gas post and disconnect maybe. will clean up the current one as well and see what it does.

where do i find food grade silicon lube?


I got mine from craftbrewer.com.au, no idea if anyone local has it.


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