Permalink Reply by jt on January 8, 2009 at 2:47pm
I've never read a good review on them.
The Aussies went nuts on them awhile ago but they seem to have shelved them in favour of picnic taps with an extra piece of tube on the end to reach the bottom of the bottle - works well
I've tried a similar approach in the past. I didn't have problems with oxidation, but did lose a bit of carbonation (probably just didn't have it and/or the bottles cold enough). I got the beer gun mainly because I hate bottling (now that I have two kegs), but have mates who always want to take some beer home. So figured it would be a really easy way to nicely bottle a dozen (or maybe just a half dozen, depending on how good of a mate they are) straight from the keg.
Yup same here, no major loss of carb, no major oxidation problems. I carbonate on the high side of the style then I figure if I lose some at bottling it's still true to style. Frozen bottle helps lots, if I'm doing more than 3 bottles it takes a little bit of keg de-gassing and regulator-fiddling to keep things on lock but no real dramas.
Did have one batch go to sherry after about 6 months, and that's out of about 10 batches or so.
I probably wouldn't use it for any long term storing and just straight bottle instead for those beers. For short term storage, taking to parties etc it's perfect IMO.
Looks like a nice piece of kit that Blich one, good luck, hope you enjoy :-)
Permalink Reply by MrC on January 7, 2009 at 3:29pm
I don't remember off the top of my head. I want to say it was about $250, maybe $300 - it was really cheap compared to the others I looked at. It is a Tellman (sp?). I think it is a Chinese brand or something. I've had it for about 3 years or so. It works really well as a freezer. I've been using it to store hops and chilis (from that great pick-your-own place it Otaki... Beer and Chili peppers.... proof that there *must* be a god(s)). Most of the Tellman freezers I've seen at the Warehouse lately aren't the chest style. But there must still be some around.
Permalink Reply by Ian on January 7, 2009 at 2:31pm
Ah, thanks. Actually, these were things I have wondered about, so I value these thoughts. I picked up a small fridge at the 2nd hand shop next door for $40 and it works fine, but when I got my cornie kegs from DMH I found that only one will fit and then only just height-wise. But since I am a beginner when it comes to AG brewing this should be fine, with one ked out of the fridge and one in. When I get more adventurous though the chest freezer sounds brilliant.
By the way, can you advise? The recipe for golden ale I have ingerdients for calls for primary fermentation at 20 C and secondary conditioning at 10 - 13C. I am thinking that perhaps the liquid yeast I was sent might be lager yeast (not sure about this), but whatever, I am taking the advice of your various comments and going for a dry yeast initially (US 05), so the question is, after the initial 2 weeks in the fermentor at 20C, and after I transfer the beer to the Cornie keg, should I still refridgerate it immediately at around 10C, or should I give it some time in the keg at a higher temperature before putting it into the kegerator?
I'd do 2 - 3 weeks at 18 - 20degC in primary, then primary into fridge at serving temp 5 - 10deC for about a week. Then transfer to cornie. Will give very clear beer with little sediment in keg. Then you can either shake and bake - force carb method, or set to the correct pressure and leave for about two weeks.
Permalink Reply by Ian on January 7, 2009 at 2:40pm
Cheers for that denimglen. I shall use my plastic fermentor, so no need to rack off into another container for regfridgerating - just stick the fermentor in after the primary fermentation? Of course if it doesn't fit into my friedge I'll need to transfer it.
Yup, single vessel the whole way until kegging. Yeast won't (well shouldn't) autolyse in that time, less risk of oxidation and infection yadda yadda yadda.
Two weeks in primary and then straight into kegerator will work too as stated by Joking, I just like to give it a few days to a week in the fridge to settle out as much crap as possible. Less shit into the keg the better I say.
Two weeks in the fermenter is even a little long for some beers... though I don't see a lot of guys talking about low gravity beers on here these days - it's all IPA, APA, Double Trouble APA...
and Ginger Beer.
And as for autolysis: I can't think of a beer I've tasted under 5 years old with perceivable autolysis.
I love my low gravity beers. I usually brew little else year round other than a stout which is a favourite of my dad's and a few hoppy beasts to keep the wife and hophead friends happy.
I use two freezers with temp. controllers. The second is a new addition, I've yet to have enough time to brew this year. I tend to crash cool my kegs in the freezer (if not in use) or large fridge, then slip on a foam insulating jacket to maintain the temp over a "session" if I have guests. If it's just for me, I serve at room temp. I like my Ordinary better that way.