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Anyone want any Smoothcone hop rhizomes?
Small bundle lopped off last year's plant.
Posted free to a good home.

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That would be me! I'd love to try growing some hops.

I will PM you my details.


I've got some "Danscade" (NZ Cascade) if you want, pm me.
ooh ooh, I'm after some Danscade ;-)
i'm definately in for them if theres enough, how do i p.m. on this site?
Just wondering what you think of that hop, the NZ Cascade X ? , AKA (Danscade).
I grew it from a seed a few years ago, gave a few rhizomes away, seems its getting around.
Anyone got some feed back on what they think of it?
Hi Dan - Only just saw this.

I grew some last year (rhizome via denimglen) but only ended up with 11g after drying :-( I brewed an 11L batch of US-05 blonde ale using Sauvin for bittering and added all 11g at flame out. I wasn't expecting much hop flavour & aroma but I didn't get any at all. Nice beer, just no hops.

Has anyone managed to get a decent flavour hit from Danscade?
Yeah - I got some Pears in mine that I confused with Acetaldehyde for about a fortnight after it finished fermenting.
I did, ages ago, last year, was good, but haven't used any since, stacks up well with normal NZ cascade.

First year harvests can be a bit slim and what you do harvest can be a little disappointing quality wise. Try again this year bro.
Yeah bud I will take them off your hands!!
Sure would, Toast! I've got an excellent home for them. I'll PM you my details.
first come fist served! Yours Tony. send me your details. The rest of you, next year!
How does this first come first served thing work then??!!



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