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We spoke about creating a discussion so people who have or people who are thinking about and/or building can share pic's info and pitfalls to avoid.

Just about finished building my bench and hopefully will have a chance to start wiring it up this weekend. Pics to follow shortly.

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yea I have seen that. pretty cool set up. are you using weldless fitting etc for your elements or using tri clamps
Wield less fittings done as they have on there they work perfectly.

So, after a bit more thought ect, ill be changing my elements to run off SSR's and prob grabbing a couple of the sestos pid to complete my trio. I am defo going to buy my temp probes from aubins with the pre made qd leads though I have one atm and they are mint.

Same reason as Barry but upon further research I'm only going to use a mechanical relay on the start stop station and will be switching to ssr for element control.
I'm using this ssr from deal extreme, switching a 3kw element:

These are about $10 each. With 3kw you need to add a decent heat sink
Same one that came with my Sestos PIDs Rhys.
I've got 2 switching a 4500W element each.
I got my heat sink from Jaycar one big one for both. I ran out of time and patience looking for anything cheaper - $30


I got mine from this guy,  I need a big heat sink.  I got one of his but don't trust that its big enough.

I got this heatsink (one half):


Should be well big enough I reckon.

The ones I've ordered from alixpress are 25a complete with heatsinks for 11.95usd ea.
Here is my setup.
I have 2 digital thermometers, and a ssr relay controlling a 3kw element. I have a 30L kettle with a stainless steel mesh that I mash in. I'm controlling with a raspberry pi, I can access wirelessly from my phone, or using a remote control and the LCD screen.
A recent addition was a pH probe, so I can watch the pH in real time and make adjustments!

I can step mash, and mash out, so have a lot of control. I've written the software using node.js

Awesome Rhys, that dgital automation sounds amazing. NERD ALERT. In a _great_ way.

Rhys    - now you can watch mash ph how different from expected values do you find PH    do you justy stir in some more acid malt if needed etc?


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