Hi guys,
I am considering the move to a chilli bin mash tun after many brews using a stainless steel stock pot for my mashing and a grain bag for sparging.
I am just wondering if anyone has any info as to the potential effects of the plastic in the chilli bin on the final brew, both from a health and a flavour perspective.
To me it seems undesirable to do brewing in plastic containers. Hot liquids plus plastic just gives me thoughts of all sorts of strange petroleum type chemicals seeping into the wort.
Does anyone know what type of plastic chilli bins are made of and the 'food safetyness' of this?
Also wondering what your perspectives are on fermenters. I have a few of the standard plastic fermenter barrels and one time when I had gone to source my spring water for a brew (from the Speights tap here in Dunedin) and then didn't get around to brewing for a few days, the water had taken on a noticeable plastic taste. I can only assume that this taste is also picked up by the brew during fermentation but is masked by the flavour of the beer.
These days I try to do primary in the plastic and then move to a glass carboy for the rest of fermentation. But I'm just wondering if there are potential health issues with using plastic or if I'm just a hippie or something thinking plastic is bad.