Confused over the colour ratings of Roasted Barley. I usually use SRM in Beersmith but thought why not go with EBC as the malt analysis sheets use the same. So I converted an Irish red recipe and updated the details for my Roasted Barley as per the sheet, 1350 EBC. The default roast I had used before was only 300SRM or 591EBC. Obviously as I change my grain to the correct 1350EBC my colour goes black! Now I'm only planning on using 150g in a 20L batch. I've seen others use similar amounts so don't think it looks too much. What's the deal, is the stated EBC value wrong or will I get an Irish black if I use 150g of the stuff? The only other time I used my Roast was for a kit stout so no idea if it changed the colour at all. I think I also grabbed the roast barley from brewcraft shop so no idea if it's the same stuff as Liberty anyway.
Does Roast Barley change colour much between suppliers?