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I've been doing alot of research in the downtime not brewing. (It's been 3 months sicne an actual brew day). I've ahd an ongoing Shoulder issue for awhile, and am post op surgery for about 6 weeks.

So I've been working on alot of different project for my "Brewery". I have a small garage, which I have installed power into, properly, running underground cables etc. I will be going live on the weekend, with switches, lights and plug sockets in the garage.

I have 2 fridges already for fermentation and conditioning, both with STC-1000's fitted.

So, I've finally made a decision, which I think is a pretty good one. As it will give me room to expand/add vessels, should I need or want to.

The link is something similar, and wondered if anyone has had any experience building such a system?
If so, parts list and sourcing would be helpful, in this country anyways.

Will be sourcing a new Pot as well. I'd love a Blichmann, but it's just too expensive at this stage I think, unless someones got them in good condition. a 15 gallon one would be good, for those big beers.

I'll be doing 23 Litre batches, and wanted to know what sized element would give a good rolling boil? not too vigorous, but solid. I'll need a re-circulation pump, and disconnects. 

the other big issue is lifting the bag out etc.  I have purchased a pulley system, but need to install it, and I'd like to run it on a slider type system. to lift the grain slide out and dump in a bucket or the bin etc. any suggestions for this?

I was thinking a square steel bar, about 2m long, steel on steel with no runners... to slide, attached to the struts of the garage. 

And lastly the bag, I have something that works currently, although it's not fantastic, because theres no real way to lift it out. Suggestions required for where I can get a good bag with handles for pulley lifting, if anyone has a design, that'd be good too.  I was actually think of putting a Zip in one for grain removal as well.Steel of course.

any help is appreciated. thanks guys.

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I have a gas fired BIAB with recirc. Grabbed fittings from Anzor, some hose and a pump off ebay for $100. I originally set the recirc up so I could hot whirlpool hops, and just use the same system to recirc the wort in the mash.

I have my bag on a double pulley (so it is easier to lift) from the rafter in the shed, but having it on a sliding rail would be a very good thing. I have not yet got around to making something like this.

As for a bag with handles... I just sew one up myself. Curtain material and some nylon webbing works fine. 

I use a basket made out of stainless mesh, not pretty but holds the bag and has a handle on top, I use a L shaped bar with hook that mounts into a hole the side of my rig which swings out of the way to get the bag away from the pot, gets a bit heavy when lifting 7kg of wet grain though,

I recirc through a 30 plate heat exchanger from whoa to go which seems to work alright, and the important bit, gas fired yeah flames and stainless,

I ended up using baby gauze from spotlight for my bag as the voile I got kept becoming water tight and I had to stab it with a BBQ fork to drain it

Hi I have pictures loaded of my BIAB not recirc yet but maybe soon....  I am going gas as have had too many elements go,  I think you need about 4k of heating potentially like I did 2 x 2.2kw  or a single 4kw on a pid etc.

I may well go back to electric once I get a decent element supplier sorted out, or not if my gas experience is good.  The biggest drawback for me is cold morning starts vs inside the garage.

I agree 4-5 kW is probably a good amount. I use a 2 kW + another 2 kW controlled at 50% for a good boil on approx 20ish litres in a 50litre keg.

How has the garage been wired? 10A / 15A sockets or something bigger? Reason why I have 2 elements is so that they are under the 10A limit of my socket outlets (I think I'm right in that you can run 10A through each socket of a double).

I tried to do a brew recently using 1 x 2.2kw   had to have lid partially on,  quick lesson in what DMS tastes like....  its not enough power.  I think the word rolling is confusing   VIGOROUS is a better word

It depends on the breakers as well as your in wall wire, I used to use a long extension cord to a different breaker set....   but technically a 2 socket outlet should let you pull 20A  if its a modern home and the 2 sockets where in the design spec before the cable was pulled,  in many old garages its just daisy chain wiring , was never designed for massive loads.

I've install 20A outlets, in-case of future upgrades etc.

My thoughts were a 2.5-3kW element, to boiling, and an additional 1-1.5kW to get up to temp quicker. quick and easy on off switches.

I have the power so I might as well go electric. Make the most of it, plus I'll be doing it in the garage, and without proper gas ventilationI'll get all Light headed, not ideal.

Peter, How many elements have you been through, in what period of time?

I have a Morebeer Voile Bag, and was just think in the interim, getting Rings Added in or a handle sewn into it.

Zane, how long do you re-circ in the mash? the whole time, or just a period of time?

I blew 2 since xmas and cant get replacements at the moment, They are long straight bar shaped stainless steel ones 2.2kw each they break down as the wires exit the element part external to the kettle, I have ordered more but apparently the manufacturer is redesigning them. Others on here can provide better guidance then me on elements to use.  The system was 2nd hand so I dont know how old they where when I got them.

As my pot is drilled I will give the redesigned ones a last chance once they come in, til then I have a 3 ring burner to try.  I personally would prefer to use electric PID controlled longer term BUT think its only practical up to about 40L boils.

Above this I would be gas all the way with Honey well controllers for gas (autoignition etc etc)  so still electronic system, just with gas heating.   You wont be BIAB above 40L tho, 11kg of grain plus water is heavy.

Has anyone tried using an element out of a spirit still, my old essencia 2000w puppy has done about 100 spirit brews at about 4 hours a run and is still going strong, from what I have read seems a lot of people have troubles with the so called beer brewing elements

Good Question. Although 2000W probably isn't quite enough for the standard volume?
I wouldn't touch the Beer brewing Elements anyways, the stuff I've researched suggests using Ultra Low Watt Density Hot Water Elements, Such as from a Hot water Cylinder, but making sure it ULWD is pretty essential to prevent scorching.

Theres plenty more to read about, but I've got a Shimmerman Temperature control. Seems to be pretty intact and in good nick.

My thoughts are to go with a couple of elements. As Peter says, 2.2kW isn't quite up to scratch. Maybe 3kW would give a good roll.

I recirc for the whole mash Rob.. the idea was to keep the mash at a constant temperature throughout the vessel by recirculating the whole time?

Any Increase in efficiency?

whats the flow rate per min in L? and do you use the full boil volume or sparge at the end?


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