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Hi guys,

This might just be a stoopid question, but,

Anyone know if one of these regulators, fits these disposable o2 bottles?


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I don't think so.

It looks a very different fitting to the one I use with those bottles (the GT220500) which is unfortunately out of stock on Galpro's website.


those regs just seems too pricey for something with no ability to measure pressure/flow rate...

maybe I just gotta suck it up and fork out the cash.

Whats other peeps using?

EZiSWAPGAS (use to be Ezitools) on the North Shore sells regulators for those disposable oxygen cylinders, about $55.
Like the Morebeer regulators, they don't have a flow meter either.

Cheers, I did see them on a google search so will give them a bell.

To resurrect an old thread how did you get on with you're oxygenation setup? Did you find an appropriate tank/regulator/flow meter?

Yep good reminder to post how I got on.

  • regulator:

$50.60 plus courier of $10.00.

 Colin Meikle



Colin Meikle
EZiSwap Gas
T: +64 9 444 0357
F: +64 9 444 3509

M: +64 21 798511

Unit C, 42-44 Porana Rd, Wairau Valley, Auckland 0627, New Zealand.


  • O2 Bottle


Haven't used flow/rate control, just experimented with different settings.

To be brutal I haven't noticed a big improvement in my ferments. I brew 3 to 5% light beers, (mainly lagers) and I suspect by doing a large starter (even when repitching yeast) on a stir plate, my yeasties have a reasonable supply of o2 to start off anyways.

My lagers take 4 to 5 days to attenuate 95%, and clear well, so I feel thats a good indication of health yeast.

Whats your setup Daniel?

Thanks for the reply. The www.eziswapgas.co.nz website is a bit useless. Hard to find anything. Do you have a part number for the regulator?

4-5 days for a lager seems pretty fast. What temperature are you fermenting at?

Up until now I have been doing BIAB on my stovetop but not getting very good results so I'm in the process of building an electric BIAB setup with automated temperature control. I have a 63L pot and I'm aiming for 30L batches into the fermenter (I have a Malt Mechanics 30L conical fermenter). I'm quite keen to try some high gravity beers soon, hence the need for oxygen.


The yeast need the oxygen to increase their population - the starter has got the population to a certain point but it needs to grow bigger in the fermenter - that part of the process where the pop grows is the same one as where you are waiting for the fermenter to start to bubble. The yeast apparently take up the oxygen in the first few hours after pitching. Read 'Yeast' by the guy who started white labs, it's all in there.

And the recommended oxygenation is 1l/min for 1 minute to get the recommended 12ppm of oxygen. In practice that looks like a slow bubbling, a bit like a gently rolling boil in the boil kettle.
Sorry that's 10ppm, not 12


Just email eziswap gas, its called a disposable o2 cylinder regulator.

Or alternatively, swap your left testicle for the same thing from gas shop.


My lagers are low gravity, low mash temp, large active starter, pitching at 7-8C and ramping to 12C after bulk of fermentation completed. Lag times of around 12hours, terminal 5-6 days.

I was surprised too when this started happening, but goes to show what yeast can do when you treat em right.

High grav different story.

From my own experience, all the extra bits and bobs wont make you better beer till you learn (through repetition) about good yeast health and fermentation (temp) control

Thanks I've sent them an email to ask for a price.

I have built a BrewPi temperature controlled fermentation chamber and am set up to do yeast starters with stir plate so figured next step was to make sure I am oxygenating my wort well.

One thing I'm still unsure of is how much oxygenation is correct (for a given batch size and gravity). Most things I have seen just say use 1L/min for 1min.


eziswap gas no longer stock the disposable oxygen cylinder regulators :-(


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