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I just sampled a 6 day old bottle of my nelson sauvin, waimea, galaxy IPA. I know wait another couple of weeks but I always have to try stuff early. I was surprised to find the hop flavors which I expected to be super fruity were actually a bit dank and earthy. Not that its a bad thing just not what I expected.

So I'm wondering does timing have much to do with this dank vs fruity flavor thing the hops in this brew went in 15, 10 ,2, -2minutes +  dry hop.

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Wait till its fully carbed . makes the hops pop a lot more and sharpens them up.  hoppy beers best 3-5 weeks, my advice is at 5 weeks fridge whatever is left as the hoppyness falls off after that, the right level of carb makes a HUGE difference in a beer.

I know everyone is a huge fan of nelson sauvin   but I personally pick up dank weedy off that hop, do you like mikes organic nel sav ipa?  do you get dank taste in that beer?   some say that hop is better before 15 mins, I am mashing 46L of chur, calls for ns at flameout...   its a great beer i never get dank off it maybe a small ns addition.  I reckon you hop schedule normally works for my US pale ales, still trying to sort out the right way to treat nz hops in a hoppy PA, had some great ones and some not so great, best by 300% was kegged... i seem to kill the flavour in the bottled conditioned ones.

I do like mikes full nelson and libertys sauvinon bomb and don't think of either of them as dank , waimea hop cat nether (its been awhile since I had any of those so might have to try again) and I don't think its the galaxy. Despite not being what I expected its the best one of my brews has tasted this young so high hopes for it.

Digital IPA is the standout NZ IPA for me so maybe the huge flameout, light dry hop is the way to go with NZ hops.

Actually when I think about it my second attempt at digital IPA was a bit dank and weedy as you say. I blamed the sticklebract that I subbed when I couldn't get pacific jade but maybe it is the NS if its in too early or not cooled quick enough.

WOW I have had the complete opposite happen to me with my last brew, Brewed a Saaz/Pilsner SMaSH and got some wicked passion fruit aroma early on in the brew, But now seems to be a full on Pilsner down to a tee........First time trying FWH hopping too and yes it makes the bitterness way smoother, I say give it some more time I reckon hops are still at work up to 3 weeks after racking.


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