From Mexico City, this yeast produces clean lager beer, with a crisp finish. Good for Mexican style light lagers, as well as dark lagers. This is one of the best lager strains in the White Labs yeast bank; try it with any lager.
Doesn't sound "special to mexico"
YEAST STRAIN: 2278 | Czech Pils™
Originating from the home of great Pilsners in the Czech Republic, this classic strain will finish dry and malty. It is the perfect choice for Bohemian-style Pilsners. Sulfur produced during fermentation can be reduced with warmer fermentation temperatures 58°F (14°C) and will dissipate with conditioning.
Sounds good , maybe a bit to malt forward but if you used plenty of adjunct you probably not notice, I think Danish Lager yeast would be a closer match"
I tend to use new clean fermentor but swirl and pitch the slurry from the old brew into the new clean one...tend to pitch all the cake from a 20L batch into either 2 x 20's or a single 40L,