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Any suggestions as to where to buy 3 & 5lt conical flasks in NZ.cheers.

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Try your local SGS.

Labwarehouse only stock up to 2 litre, although if there were enough people asking they make stock more.
Mate whats SGS?
I'm assuming the French testing company.
What aldee said below! :) But looking further not the best.... maybe school supplies can supply bigger flasks?

I was thinking BioLab, not SGS.... but probably not them either...
SGS have many labs all throughout the country.

I picked my 3 Liter on up from SGS New Plymouth for $40.

It's "Labware" and temp tollerant as well as heat shock tollerant to 200 degrees.

They can get a 5 Liter one for $60 - but seeing as how my demijohn was only $15 I flagged getting one that size.
Just to let you know, I just went out to Bio lab, they can sell 5l Flasks for $16 1L for $17? and 500mls for $11 but the catch is you have to place a $100 min and for under $250 theres a $35 surcharge, Im pretty keen on the above items, so that takes it up say $40 anyone else want to make it up to $100 those 5L Conicals are the business aye bets paying $16 for a 5l demijohn!!
WTF..... that's cheap.... are they conical flasks heat rated?

How about Chris Utton @ Scientific Glassblowing based in Auckland?
Yip!! Awsome aye!!
Thanks, will give them a try.Found an NZ homebrew company that sells 5lt jobs for $179 !, craftbrewer is $79au but they aren't keen to post the fragile little beggars.
$179... f**k..... I use a gallon demijohn which works okay, however the vortext is not "awesome" on the stirplate.... would that work for you?
Yes, as it moves the stirbar further away (nearly outside) of the magnetic field, however it provides a bit of movement which helps IMHO. (In My Humble Opinion).

I just waiting to hear back from LWH for 5 litre conicals.....
Currently use a 5lt demijon myself but with the "shake the shit outta it" everytime I walk past it method, thought I might upgrade to a mag stirrer & conical so I can be as flash as the real brewers !!


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