I've got a packet of Wyeast swelling ready for saturday brew day. I'd like to create a larger volume of yeast and would like to know what the right water volume would be, and sugar concentration, to get the best results by Saturday afternoon.
Will this have enough time to get up to a good size by Saturday, if I have it well oxigenated, with a pinch of yeast food and give it a swirl a few times a day?
Permalink Reply by Karle on September 24, 2009 at 11:50am
Yes, I would say so. It's the way I usually do it, prepare the yeast starter on Thursday evening and then pitch it Saturday afternoon. The yeast count in the starter is highest after 24 to 36 hours. I think if you were very precise then you would pitch the starter when it is at high krausen. However, that might be hard to determine since sometimes there isn't much krausen at all in my experience. Oxygenation makes a big difference, so swirling it often is a good idea (unless you've got a stir plate). Also keeping it warm, around 25 degrees is good.
Hate to drag this out, but what's the best way to oxigenate if I have no pure oxygen on hand? A good shake of the starter before pitching from the packet ok?