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This may seem like a stupid question, but I'm wondering what sort of brush to use to clean inside my frainfather. It states a soft bristled brush, but the only one I can seem to find are the ones used for cleaning cars, and they don't seem to have much of an ability to scrub.
Any ideas? What do other people use?
I don't have a grain father but I use sodium percarbonate (or unscented nappysan) to clean my mastun, kettle, pump and silicon hose. It is the same stuff that makes up most of PBW. Works great in really messy fermenters too were you don't want to scrub and scratch the plastic or SS.
I fill the mashtun with warm water and put about a half cup of sodium percarbonate in and turn the pump on. Let it run for 10 then turn it off and leave for at least 4 hours but often 24 hours.
Dump when it is all looks clean and rinse with warm water.
Only issue with sodium percarbonate is it can cause polycarbonate sightglass tubing to crack... not sure about glass ones tho.
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