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Carbonating a lager for bottling - issues with dead yeast??


This is my first post so please excuse me if it's in the wrong section.

I have just brewed my first pilsner and as part of the process I racked the beer after primary fermentation to a carboy and have lagered in a fridge at 1C for the last 4 weeks.

As a test, I bottled some test bottles after 2 weeks of lagering to see what the carbonation was like, however, both bottles were still flat after 2 weeks in a room temp cupboard.

I want to bottle the beer this week, but am not sure how to go about ensuring carbonation.

Do I rehydrate some champagne yeast with a small amount of water and drop a ml into each bottle or is there a more concise process I should follow?

The OG was 1058 and the FG was 1010. I am using 750ml bottles.


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A couple of other bits of info might help some more with sorting your problem out -

  • How much priming sugar did you put in your bottles? 
  • What type of bottles did you put the beer in and are you certain they were well sealed? 
  • Did you fine your beer during lagering? 
  • Approx what temp is your room temp cupboard?
  • How did you rack your beer into the bottles - via a siphon from the top 1/3rd of the carboy?

Having asked those questions though - I wouldn't worry too much at this stage - 2 weeks is a relatively short time for a lagered beer to carbonate as much of the yeast settles out to the bottom of the carboy over 4 weeks in the cold.  

All things being equal (good sanitation, healthy original yeast etc)  it'd be unusual for your yeast to have died, its probably just taking some time to wake up and do its thing.

A buggar of a wait I know (especially for your first Pils cos you just want to get into them!!)  I'd give them another 2 weeks and then see where you're at rather than trying to re dose yeast when you're bottling. 

If you're not happy with that approach then rehydrate 1/4 tsp or so of a neutral dried yeast of your choice with the priming sugar when you rack into a bottling bucket should more than do the trick.

Thanks Tilt, will give both a go and see what the outcome is of each for future reference.
You're right about wanting to get into it, the beer tastes great, it's just flat!!
Thanks again

No worries - haha... the wait is torture for that brew you just know is going to be a cracker.

Just to clarify on my last point there - rehydrate your yeast in lukewarm water for half an hour and then add it to the bottling bucket with the dissolved priming sugar and flat beer.  Rehydrating yeast in the straight priming sugar syrup would be like throwing a 16y.o lad into the beach volleyball change rooms.

Roger that, thanks again.
Hopefully I can crack one open by Xmas day!

Best time to do it too - I'm sure they'll be worth the wait.


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