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I am just after some clarification on the use of these malts and % to add to a grist.  Seems to be quite a few interpretations on the web along with some confusion on naming.  Bought a sack of Carapils a couple of weeks ago thinking I will try it instead of wheat, especially for the clarity of the blondes or clear ales.


It's these two malts I'm interested in and from reading the above forum post they are useful to add body and foam retention in your beer along with shelf life (not an issue at my place).  Recommendations from the same thread and other recipes is 3-5% of grist.

So do they add sweetness when they increase the body of the beer?

What is the issue if you were to add say 10% to the grist?

I'm looking to focus on some other ales this summer and a heap of belgians and wondering if its a suitable addition for say a Kolsh or Saison where I want to brew a dry beer? 



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Sweet as!

Tasted my first two beers using cara-pils and no additional sweetness that I can taste, good body and head good enought to rival valentines morning! 

Going to try the next one at 20% addition with 10% munich and 70% pils and a nice clean yeast to promote the malt.

what sort of %age was that?

5% from memory

I always thought of Carapils a bit like wheat, a smaller, 5 % addition for head
I haven't used it for awhile, but went the opposite ration to Liam's next brew, 10% Munich, 5% Carapils in last weeks pale, hydro sample/taste could be in order.

Ha ha ... nope.. that me Amber Ale (nice try).


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