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Have seen the new Brooklyn hops are in stock at the  local, has anyone used them yet? 


Am thinking of doing a SMaSH with a pale malt base.

Any ideas of hop schedule?

Brooklyn is a big hop delivering high alpha acid with a generous weight of oil while its lower cohumulone provides a soft well-structured but solid bitterness. Sensory panels describe the flavours and aromas in the finished beer to be that of grapefruit, tropical and passionfruit.

Alpha Acids 17.5-19.5%
Beta Acids 8.0-10.0%
Cohumulone 26% of Alpha Acids
Total Oil 1.7 ml oil per 100gm cone weight
Concentration 94 uL Oil/gram Alpha
Mycene 22.2%
Humulene 15.2%
Caryophyllene 5.8%
Farnesene 0.3%
Citrus-Piney Fraction 5.9%
Floral Estery Fraction 2%
H/C Ratio 2.2
Other 10.9%

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Now that sounds good!! Keep us posted on how it turns out.

What IBU did you target? Am going to brew a pale ale this weekend with 100% Golden Promise.

Beersmith reckoned 41.8 IBU from a 20 minute hot steep. It's probably not far off that, but like FWH it's a smoother bitterness from not being boiled. Next time I'm going to try chilling to below 80C before adding my whirlpool hops which should [theoretically] eliminate the bitterness from steeping them. That way the IBUs can be calculated more accurately from the boil, and I can add more hops without pushing the bitterness over the top.

I picked up 250g last week, and have brewed a SMaSH with them and 100% pilsner malt. Jo from Liberty suggested the pilsner, I was going to use marris otter originally, and it  was also his suggestiong to do a single FO addition (of 3g/L , but I bumped it up a touch as I over-shot my OG by 5 points) and a similar sized dry hop. I didn't try any of the hop trial beers unfortunately, so I'm looking forward to trying this one. With the light malt base it should give me a good idea what this hop is all about, I'll have about 100g to use in my next brew (black IPA) so I'd love some suggestions of what it might work with. Perhaps something piney/dank to compliment the fruity flavour?

Sounds interesting. What sort of bitterness will it be with just the FO addition?

A little over 40 IBU based on Beersmiths numbers for a 20 minute steep. At 17.1% AA the IBUs seem to ramp up pretty quickly if you start boiling them!

Hi David, have you tasted this yet? How is it?

Its good, I really like it. I'm not one of those people who can say "hints of lychee and guava with some wet socks on the nose", but it's tasty and I'd describe it as restrained. Maybe with the massive AA I was expecting something more punchy, it's definitely got some good flavours going on though. I'd like to brew a single hop IPA with it some time and bump up the levels to get a better idea of what it does in big doses.

I'd certainly recommend it for a kiwi APA/IPA!

Yazang! that's what I call flavor country!

I've got a DIPA coming into season which is hopped with only Brooklyn. Nice potent aroma which reminds me of some of the big aroma and alpha american varieties (you know the C ones) though more towards tropical i think.  Kind of citrusy and pine with a musky fruity aroma (musky is how i perceive lots of potent fruity hops).

I wonder if they tried to fill a hole in their catalogue as NZ didn't really have anything in this hop category.

The DIPA used 200gm in 30L with 140 gm being dryhop (didnt need much to get the bitterness up!). There isn't really a recipe as such as I ordered malt for an IPA and got several Kg extra. OG was 1072. Colour is about right for the pale, vienna and crystal base, but not too confident what i got in the end.

Anyway i think i will stock up on Brooklyn as they could disappear fast right?..

So I finally cracked one open: I forgot to add Irish Moss at 10 minutes so it's more cloudy than usual but still tastes pretty mean...

Saw the epic Brooklyn at the local so thought I'd try it side by side; The Epic is an IPA so more malty, an mine is a NZ pale SMaSH, mine is more like an XPA but definitely has a bigger nose than the epic although I like the EPIC better (sucker for a good IPC), will be utilisng the Brooklyn hops more often for sure...

IPA was supposed to say, have no idea what an IPC is....

dryhopped a NZ Black IPA wit these, been kegged one week, waiting for full carb, but resuts are promisisng


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