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Does the Herald only know one person in the Hospitality sector?
And does anybody want to let a big brewery run through their bowels?
Oh yeah and Coke is looking at distributing a NZ craft brewery...who could it be? They would need to have spare capacity, and be fairly well developed brandwise???? I have suspicions but no facts. Anyone know and feel like talking?
I though Coke was looking at ditributing Coors in NZ? Hooray...
This keeps coming up. At least once per year. Not sure I buy it.
All rumor, I hear all the stories when I am playing tap monkey..Coke is distributing Coors though, not sure what they think that will do for them. I would be bringing in a real USA beer, with hops init.
I know, is their taget market Americans that have emmigrated to NZ, because I don't think that market is all that big! I actually had my first Bud the other night, for all the crap the US craft scene gives it I thought it was actually ok (for what it was - a cheap lager, but I would not pay the $25ish for a dozen myself). At least they are honest with it - made from the finest barley and rice and all! Not like the NZ beer marketing machine where all our "ales" are actually lagers!
Oh and about 30 minutes after that Bud I got a toothache... which turned into having to have a root canel. I wonder if that was karma?
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