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Hi everyone,

I have been looking around for a company/supplier who imports American beer into New Zealand. I am particularly interested in finding someone who imports Kegs of Budweiser - or someone who can offer me this service.
All my searches so far have lead to dead ends; can anyone help me at all? I am fully aware of the madness of this request especially since i am only looking for one keg of Budweiser!!
This is important to me and will go to whatever lengths i can to get one.

Thanks in advance,

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If you kept it all near-freezing while pouring, you'd keep a reasonable amount of CO2 in the beer I'd imagine. Plus you'd be carbonating it with extra CO2 afterwards, but you'd need to find someone who'd be willing to hire out one or two of their corny kegs (19L each), their regulator(s), a CO2 bottle & fittings in Blenheim as Rusty says...

I hope the receive of this appreciates the effort you're putting into this!
Just a quick question.



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