Want to place an ad email luke@realbeer.co.nz
$50+GST / month


I'm really after one at the moment. I have a Pin ready to receive the TTL, now all I need is to be able to draw the TTL out.

Any help from you online chaps will be greatly appreciated.

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No worries - happy to show you how mine is rigged. Best way to show it is to dispense some beer through it :)
I forgot about this thread. Unfortunately, the recession kindof killed the emmigration plans of the people coming in, so nothing happened. :( Apologies to all.
bugger - Well - I have one coming in for anyone interested.

Martin - Awesome! Will bring it over sometime when it arrives.
I am pretty keen of the other on eyou are bringing in.

And I'm happy to provide consultancy services around hooking it up (for a nominal fee !).
OK Steve - I'll let you know when it gets here - Will accept part payment in corny kegs :-)
Both arrived today - need a good clean but otherwise both seem to be in full order. I can even smell fresh hops in one of them!
Are you still keen to sell one?
hi Steve, yes added you as a friend so I can send you a message
Dont sell it to Steve - sell it to me!
well at this rate I might as well put it on TM :-)

Steve got dibs in. Joe - why not buy from Ebay also? Was here within a week.


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