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Anyone recommend a source for larger plastic fermenters?

Hi there

Can anyone recommend a source for (or has to sell) plastic fermenters in the 60l to 120l size range?

I have found thebrewhouse has a 60l carbouy for sale but I don't see many other options.




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I am in the process of making them but will be around 6 weeks before they are available 35 litre and 70 litre.  If you need them asap I believe Mike and Bryan have some bigger ones at Brewers Coop

If 200 litre would work Martin posted these up a while back - http://www.forum.realbeer.co.nz/forum/topics/200l-foodgrade-plastic... - dont know if they still exist?

Obviously some diy required.

For what its worth if I were you I would be waiting for one of Liams plastic conicals (assuming 70l works for you)

and get the best of both worlds.

I love my brewtec purchased 80L brew barrels, easy to clean, have indent handles and have the space up top for crazy angry yeast. Also the fit in most fridges..


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