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One of our female members tried to add me as a friend. Unfortunately I deleted the eMail by mistake and can't remember her name. If she would like to try again I promise to be more careful. My sincere apologies, I am not snubbing you.

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Probably Steph, queen of the volunteers.
Nope, wasn't Steph, she was my boss at Beervana and I'd remember if it was her. I went through the whole of the Members list twice but no names rang a bell. I feel awful that someone thinks that I didn't want to be their friend. I'll be anyone's friend if you buy me a beer ;-)
Boss, bossy boots...wasn't me...I am relatively friendless but figure it is not a popularity contest on this site!!
Oh Steph, please, don't be so harsh
Not harsh...I was bossy..But, now have a new friend...
Hey Pete Take a look under your alerts, or friends tabs as the request to become friends should show up there I think?

Also, of course, we're all friends here by and large (though Luke, Sean, and Daniel might be more those on-again, off-again types ;) and the only practical purpose that I've seen for "friending" someone is so that you can send them a private message.
the one other reason for friending I have found is if you want to set up a private, invite only forum, such as Brewers Guild, then you can't seem to invite them if they aren't a friend. Random.

The person was probably Wendy (works for David Cryer) under the user name Mungkeh, as she has already contacted me saying she has been unable to accept or invite friends.
Thanks for that Luke.
Nothing there mate, I'm starting to think I've got too many hops in my pillow and dreamed the whole thing.
Mystery solved. The invite wasn't from an RBNZ member but from Morebeer.com. I've just had another one from a Grace Bryant and apparently she's a spammer. Guys on Morebeer are saying that several women with attractive Avatars are inviting large numbers of 'friends' in order to push online magazine subscriptions. Beware. Let's hope that sort of thing doesn't start here.
It already has happened here - Steph's a spammer, for sure. That woman cannot real. How can she be? She loves beer, she's the volunteer-extraordinairre, and she just hosted a BBQ for volunteers the day before she was heading off on holiday. And she was concerned about how much her work might miss her! I hope that woman never has kids because I'm happy being one of her adopted flock right now (unless, of course, she and Jonny want kids, then I wish them all the best - then they'll make beautiful/handsome babies... with kiwi accents!).


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