Hi all, first thanks to the people who got this site up and running. I've been meaning to join something like this forum for a while now and found RealBeer this morning. Any way I'm hell keen to try my hand at brewing some ginger beer. In particular a carbonated non alcoholic brew using natural ingredients and not from a kit. So I'd really appreciate some advice on where to start maybe a good book, links to good posts etc anything really that I can sink my teeth into. I've done a search on here and found a few recipes but some of the terminology was a bit over my head. Thanks in advance for any info and I look forward to contributing in some way to your community.
Ohh and also who's a moderator around here?,don't how I missed it when signing up but not really keen on having my real name as my screen name.Is there a way to change it? Might just have to sign up again.....