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Have you ever been to a pub in New Zealand and asked for a pint and gotten something like 400ml or 500mls (if lucky)?

Wouldn't it be great to be able to get a true pint where ever you go for a beer.

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Those make me cry.
It is essentially what you are asking for... and this makes me cry even more.
No, what I'm asking for is some kind of voluntary "gentlemen's agreement" type serving size standardisation between pubs. I'd never force my preferences on others using legislation of a "standard drink".

It could even come from the brewers if they had more sway. "Please serve my pale ale in this size/type glass". At the moment that wouldn't work. The reply would be "sod off, DB are heaps easier to deal with". :)
I think your typical consumer buys by face price point - so based on nzbrewers example - the Macs Gold is 'Cheaper'. The consumer gets 1 beer for $6.50.

Same thinking behind Lion dropping can sizes from 375mls to 333mls - maintain the price, reduce cost of product and shopper still gets 1 x beer and is happy. Keith at Galbraiths did the same and stopped serving the Bohemian in pints infavour of a smaller glass :(

Ordering the average consumer will always ask for either a bottle or a pint (or handle). When they say pint they don't actually mean it, they just dont want to say 'glass' of beer as it sounds unmanly, Pint is much cooler.
Actually I have to agree with you based on my experience with Epic 4 packs so far.

People are more willing to buy a 4 pack at $15 than a six pack at $18, WHAT!?

I don't understand it either.

Well it was the guy on the Campbell Live interview that did say that I was making the beer more affordable.
I did notice the change actually - can you still get it in a six or is that dead now? Doesn't seem to have been available in either of the places I've checked recently (Farro and Liquorland Newmarket).
No more six packs are currently being produced. There might be some around, but it will mean it is slightly older stock.

If we had kept sixes that price would have been now at $22.99 with the increase in price from the massive hit we have taken with hop pricing up and the NZ dollar devaluing so much.

Thats the price I have had to pay for using so many imported hops.
The CAMRA "Full Pints Campaign" really gets on my wick (especially as I'm a member). Nothing I dislike more than having my glass filled to the lip with no head at all. In fact, I'd pay more for a beer with less beer but good head - it's good for appearance ;-)
As long as it's black! ;-)
Or dark brown with lots of hop pellets floating in it.
It is you with the penchant for the floating pellets Mr McKinlay. I've seen you drink it by the "pint" full...
CAMRA has been campaigning for "over-size" pint glasses for some time and they are available in some places. The idea is that they allow for 20 fl oz of liquid plus space for the head.
$6.50 for 568ml of 666 Brewing Gabriel or Roulette at Blenheim's Dodson Street Bistro & Alehouse (formerly Black Creek). Can't be bad!


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