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Does anybody know if there is someone who makes conical fermentors on the homebrewer scale in nz? or does anyone have expereince with ordering these from overseas? what sort of prices etc

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Ahh  good points there... drain trub after one day, and put a window tube in...


I have seen yeast activity in a non-conical fermenter completely lift the yeast from the bottom... thinking mostly of S04 and Muttons Gold yeast... but losing the trub after one day sound like a damn good idea.


Thanks Smiffy.... I'll give that a try next time around.

So what's happening with these conical units? Dead keen but things seem to have come to a grinding halt...well on here anyway. Any ideas?

No true I think we are all busy brewing.


I think Liam Callaghan is away for a little while but you can PM him for the next run if you are interested. He was looking at some updates.


If you have any questions re the one I'm using then PM me and I'm happy to answer.

Hey guys, back from my trip back home, had to go home to see my folks (mum is not well) so the conicals had to take a back burner for a while.  She is doing great, hair growing back and looking like a million dollars!  Even after putting up with dads cooking for the past few months haha.

Looking to get the ball rolling again in the next week or so and catch up with the guys who took the prototypes for some further feedback.  The sealed lid has has been sorted I believe but I am meeting with the fabrication guys this week and will confirm everything on here once I am back up to speed.

I have had a few queries for 100 litre conicals too and will follow them up now I am back.

I'll get some clear photos of the valves I have been looking at too, 1" clear through so very little chance of blocking.

The jet ejection system through the lid will likely have to wait until after xmas I think but I'm hoping the tanks will be ready before hand.  Bad timing on my havomg to go home but thems the breaks.


Sounds like you are doing good Grant!  Will get the prototype thermal jacket to you once its finished, then you can give the missus her jumper back!

Yeah all been good.  Last brew got a little too excited and yeast foamed escaped out the airlock.. what an interesting smell. I need to leave a little more dead space when using the WhiteLabs Burton yeast.


Cleaning up after the fermentation I took the whole dump valve assembly apart just to check all the bits were clean. Sure enough some yeast had worked it ways into the little places and threads.. so they will get a clean and stelize before and after every brew fermented. It pretty much clip and screw on so no big deal.


Glad to hear your Mum is doing a little better.

Not wanting to jack the thread here but what do you think of the Burton yeast?  What temps does it like?  I've got a vial waiting for the next brew day so keen on any tips.  I'll start another thread to take the discussion elsewhere.

I only have fermented out so far and have to wait another 3 weeks to try the finished product (a bitter)... but it is a super active yeast that took the 1.056 bitter down to 1.011 over 10 days...(yep ABV might be a bit high, buggar. I let it sit in the conical for another 2 weeks after that.

The 2nd, 3rd, 4th fermentation days had my cleaning a drainage hose out every few hours and there was a really strong sulphur smell.

During bottling I noticed (and the wife, kids, dogs really noticed) the sulphur smell hadn't completely gone. I really hope it has once I pop the cork (so to speak).


Brought it for my next recipe deviation on a Porter or Imp Stout but though I would give it a go in a bitter first.

HaHa  - yep that smell gets noticed hey.  What was you fermentation temp?

Started about 18C then it took itself up to 24-25C

Cool - thanks

btw - just laid down a Porter but used the Burtons Ale yeast farmed from the bitter mentioned above... and it has gone nuts too...


It took itself up to 24C pretty quick (24hours) .. its is not bubbling, its hosing gas out at a scary rate.


I haven't had a taste of the bitter yet but will let you know.

Cheers Grant - Look forward to hearing the results


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