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Does anybody know if there is someone who makes conical fermentors on the homebrewer scale in nz? or does anyone have expereince with ordering these from overseas? what sort of prices etc

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tom here, all good!

Sweet. New toys to kill the Mid-Year blues.

Back in Auckland and will fidn out tomorrow, hopefully my pc will be ready today and I'll be back online again!

Although life has been very cushy without a pc...  Dogs got a longer walk, plants got some attention in the garden and even made dinner - nice bit of Tuna Tataki with home made ponzu sauce.  Best I get that pc back soon or the missus will start to expect it!

Final shipping cost for bulk to Welly today, should email out details today or tomorrow - or pm's in here.

Hoping to have them on a truck by the weekend :p

Will post some photos of the other end connections I found last week at pipeline industries, hopefully get them up tonight too. 

Conicals are ready it seems :p  I was expecting them to give me a date for delivery not the tanks but thats all good.  Will pm out bank details and final costs this evening.

Got caught up trying to fit a thread onto the plastic last night which didn't work so didn't get the photos done.

Hopefully have the tanks in transit early next week.  Will package them all on the weekend with your address's.

Really looking forward to seeing what you think and what you can make out of them.


Prototypes are looking great, just the tops to finish and they will be ready for shipping.

Will mail out replies shortly with final costs and confirm shipping.

Attached is a few photos of the other fittings I found that just snap on.  They break apart pretty good too so easy enough to keep clean.  Going to break the ball valve on the weekend.  See if it can be boiled etc.

Nice clean bore though right through!  No yeast cake blockages on that bad boy!


Looking awesome dude!

v v cool

Nice.. That may just do the trick.

Pretty happy with it, gets its first brew for testing tomorrow!

PM's sent for everyone that replied, should be in the post early next week :p

Just out of interest would people be interested in an open top fermentor, designed for easy top cropping?  It would come with a lid of course, if needed.

Slight delay on shipping but will see if they can ship them for me.  Popped my kneecap off on the weekend and have picked up flu or chest infection from the doctors when I went in to check the knee...  Hopefully the plastics guys can run them out for me.

I'll keep you posted


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