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Ladies and Gentlemen start your burners! Entries are now open for the 2008 SOBA National HomeBrew Championship. Entries will close on 31 July 2008. Judging will be done during August and results announced at the SOBA HomeBrewFest, which this year will be during the BrewNZ week - first week of September.

For entry forms and more information please see www.soba.org.nz

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I guess that rules out any properly conditioned lagers, due to the short notice, and that lagering season has barely begun! oh well will have to smack my pack of bavarian and try and scrape in with a short lagering time again! got away with it last time I suppose, 3 weeks lagering at around 10oC.
My IPA,s, smoked ales, and all lagers are so much better after at least 4 months, kinda limits the styles a bit when you,ve only got a couple of months to create your entries.

Any word if hallertau have brewed last years winner?
Hi Dan.
Just followed up on your winning beer with Steve this morning - no reply yet.

As for no lager - have you drunk all of last seasons? This is a longer lead time than then!

We always wanted to get a time closer to BrewNZ. It'll be nice to get a whole week where homebrewers and craft beer lovers (often one in the same person) can all converge on Wellington, or wherever else, in one great big beery week!

Fair enough Stu!
The bock was the last of last seasons! Only done 1 lager down so far this year and it didnt cut it.

I gave up on the no replies months ago!
He just got back to me. Planned for next month. He has all the ingredients. He'll keep me posted and I'll keep you all posted...

He has been away in the US - for the world Beer Cup - and is only just back. He reckons his left eye is still twitchnig slightly from all those hops!
I'm rather excited about this particular news release. Just about to purchase hops and malt and get my brew on proper.

Brew on!
Reckon I,ll just start brewing and storing for next years comp!
Next year gives me plenty of time to start into all grain with lagers, when I finish buying all the gear... ho hum!
Would have been good to have a little more notice but oh well, probably have something quick that I could send in, would love to get some comments. Also a good a reason to join SOBA at the same time.

If I join SOBA at the same time as entering my beer(s) does that mean I'd pay $5 or $10 per entry?

Might be best to put your membership in first! so you have a membership number to put on your entry forms.
You'll only need to pay $5 if you join at the same time.
Sorry about late notice. BrewNZ kind of crept up on us and we needed a bit of lag time before it for judging.
If BrewNZ are going to stick with the same time each year which, by the sounds, is what they'll do then we will most probably coordinate with BrewNZ each year. So anything you want to store start brewing now for next years comp.
Brew Strong.
As rob says brew strong! and do it now for next years comp!
Get your barleywines, real (or realish) ipa's, big smokeys , darkies and lagers brewed this winter, put em away and reap the rewards next year!
I don't know if they'll last that long?! ;p


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