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Whats happening this year? Seems all quiet. Can't get answers wherever I ask...

We, Green Man Brewery, are members of the Brewers Guild of NZ, but have had ZIP, not a SINGLE correspondence on the matter, this year. I contacted the promoters a few weeks back, and they said info had been sent out "to all members of the Brewers Guild", but NOT to us (for some strange reason...?). I contacted someone at the Guild, but he couldn't help, either.
Anyone know what, if any, 'theme' there may be for a 'Festival Brew' if there is one, too??? I'd hate to miss out on the opportunity just because we weren't 'in the loop', although you'd think we SHOULD be.
Who decides what, if any, 'theme' there may be, and when is it first touted? I really think it should be in the open by now, otherwise those brewers in positions of influence might just tailor it according to their preferences, or even order special ingredients in NOW, knowing what's ahead, but only put the 'theme' out there when its too late for other brewers? My other note would be that, as the event is 3 months away, allowing for brewing, maturation and packaging, it doesn't leave much time at all. On top of that, if the beer needs a special yeast, that could be 2 months away, realistically....

Awefully frustrating being in this situation...

Tom the Pom, Green Man Brewery

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Dear Tom

This post makes interesting reading. Anyway BrewNZ is going to be the first week of September. Deadlines for entries and samples will be at logical times, ie a couple of weeks before judging. These firm dates will be announced come the end of May.

The full information pack will be out at the end of May along with a new website. At out next meeting on the 28th May we will be appointing a communications person so we can communicate better with the members.

Got a problem with not receiving you renewal membership form then you need to contact Martin @ The Twisted Hop.

At this stage there is no festive brew. I am currently sorting out judges and stewards for the event.

So hold tight things are happening.

It's been a bit quiet over the month of April with most of the guild members overseas, for the World Beer Cup and Craft Brewer Conference.

And no there isn't any conspiracy against you regarding membership, or not letting you know about the Festive Brew style.

Hi Tom

Though I agree that firm dates and communication is a bit late/slow, we must keep in mind that BrewNZ (under the Brewer's Guild) is still a rather fluid event that hasn't firmly established a date on the calendar. I'd think that Guild should be working towards getting some constant dates for each year (e.g. first week of September every year, with all the entry/due dates etc announced at the preceeding years event - or very soon after). Sometimes when you commit to things they just fall into place easier (i.e. people work to make them happen, rather than procrastinating and arguing over the finer points.

Make sure you are at the AGM and that you raise your concerns. I pointed out "COMMUNICATION" as key in a letter to the guild committee after departing from the BrewNZ committee last year. There's much to be improved on but only so much time and resource right now. Hopefully each year we learn from our positives and negatives and get better and better.

In saying all this - I'm an associate member and have received a couple of update emails. Is your email address up to date? Have you checked your spam folder, just in case?

Yes, we are locking in the first week of September for the future so that everyone can pencil in and remember when BrewNZ is every year.

Yes communications have been a weakness, but currently we have alot of balls in the air with Sponsorship, the Events Management company, the size of the public tasting event. Once we can lock this stuff down then details can be announced.

The size and scope of this new BrewNZ will impress, and what we are setting up currently will be the framework for the next three years, so it is taking a little time it firm up.

If anyone wants to raise their hand to help out with a sub committee please let me know.

Luke Nicholas
Thanks fella's. I will offer my assistance to Richard, perhaps, if there's anything I can do here in Dunners? Who's on the committee for BrewNZ? When's the next meeting? And where? It must cost a fiar bit, travelling, especially from/to here.


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