A Blonde Joke
Brewed a Blonde Ale (which may be lagered yet) this morning as follows:
4.75kg Pale Malt (Should have been 5.5kg, but I didn't calibrate the scales...)
.5kg Carapils (Added at the last minute instead of more pale malt for shits a giggles.)
25g Riwaka @ 60,30,1, 3 day dry hopping when in fermenter.
First run with the 10 gallon mash tun, with SS manifold. Numbers as follows:
30.5 litres @ 1.045 from the tun . (Adjusted for temperature was 1.024 @ 70C)
1.053 from the kettle 26.5 litres. (Adjusted was 1.022 @ 83C)
From my last brew I reduced the boil to more like a roll, as opposed to a bubble, and lost only 4 litres, or a little over 10%, so next time I can reduce the total water required.
Let's hope the hops shine through, as I am a little disappointed with my Pilsner not having enough hops over the malt. I do think my pils is similar to the Krombacher pils you can get at countdown.... not sure it's a good thing!
Off to go play in the paddling pool with the kids, damn it's hot here.
Still getting used to the new setup, getting better every time. Even got my hydrometer readings sorted out this time. It's amazing what simple things can get overlooked when you're self taught.
I've been using it at 15mins in the boil, dead yeast is apparently a good nutrient, I figure 5g-ish in the boil can't hurt.
Koppafloc is awesome too BTW, cheers mate.
5.2 is the business too I reckon. I wonder if there'd be enough interest to bring it in by whoever is bringing in the other two 5Star products.
Ahhh yeah, I started off brewing making cider with fresh-up and bakers yeast on some ill-advice from a friend. Not nice, although now that I think about it they were probably infected and not a result of the yeast.
Yeh, I've heard Fuller's pitch spent yeast into the kettle. Kempicus might be able to confirm, seeing that he worked there. So - why buy yeast when you could store a little of your own leftovers?
1 part Kingston Black apples
3 parts some red wild bitter sweet apples
2 parts some green wild bitter sharp apples
Juiced 10L of must with a juicer. Sitting in fermenter with 1 tsp of pectolase and a pinch of sodium metabisulphite. Will strain and pitch yeast and nutrient tomorrow. Feel like a hunter gatherer at the moment, picked 1kg of blackberry last night, maybe a fruit beer he thinks as he stares wistfully at his 3 boys plum, very nice btw.