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I can vouch for the weather. I rode to Carterton for breakfast last Sunday - fantastic sunrise as I was coming down to Featherston. Then rode up to Masterton for a bike race (110km - out around Dreyers Rock, Alfredton and up to Eketehuna, then back via Dreyers Rock). Beautiful weather, beautiful country - I've not been up there for a good ten years. Once I got back to my folks in 'Bambuleton' I'd knocked off 255km all up. That made me thirsty too - even though I'd drunk about 7L of H2O in that time I was ready for a couple of pints at the end of it all. Just a couple mind...
>I'd knocked off 255km all up
Hell man, that's a long ride, I do some work up that way too and its not exactly flat. I'd imagine the lounge bar could have sorted you out. Maybe 3 boys Golden ale, or Schneiderweiss perhaps. He has Renaissance beers in now, but porter may not be cycling beer. Wasn't Radler meant to be a cycling beer.....
Yeh, it's rolling hills most of the way (but I needed some excercise after the first 120km, which was relatively flat). There's a few biggish ones there but nothing too steep or long. Radler was the last thing I felt like after sipping on Leppin all day - actually Radler tastes like Golden with a shot of Lemon/lime Leppin in it. I find a good mild or an ordinary bitter is best nourishing tonic after a long ride... I'll be taking a few litres of a nice 3.5% Dark Mild to Taupo with me this weekend.

Yep... Radler, from what I've read, was orignially a shandy made to make the beer go further when a few too many people turned up to a pub at the same time.

Hoping to be at the SOBA visit to Lounge and Peak Brewery on 13th December. Hope to see you there... I'll drive over rather than cycle, I think I'll have a few weeks off the bike after this weekend ;-)
I know, I know, I should join SOBA and then I would know that was happening. Unfortunately I'm busy in Wellington on the 13th (that time of the year), otherwise I'd definitely be there. I know Rhys at Peak brewery, he's very obliging with crushing my grain and selling me bits and pieces of malt. Interesting set up he's got, like a wee shed in the country side with views of the Tararuas.
Yes I'll join SOBA.
Wasn't hassling you to join but a good result nonetheless ;-) Just thought it would have been good to say hello, maybe bring over some samples for you. I've actually visited Peak and Lounge (several times) before but it is a good excuse to take my boys over to visit their grandparents... and to give their mum a rest... and to have a few beers with a good bunch of guys.
>would have been good to say hello, maybe bring over some samples for you.
Hey, most welcome next time. I could use some pointers on my clumsily put together bespoke brew set up. ... and some beer to try!
Alright, I'll send you my contact details and can drop you a line next time I'm coming over (probably January, so I'll have some Imperial Stout for you by then).
>I'll have some Imperial Stout
I was hoping you'd say that. Cool, see you then.
Drunken Pope English Special Bitter (ESB)

4kg Marris Otter
300g Crystal 60L
30g NZ Golding @ 60
20g NZ Golding @ 30
20g NZ Fuggles @ 30
20g NZ Golding @ 15
Wyeast 1028

OG: 1.047 IBU: 38

Not sure about the hopping rates.
You can t go wrong with hops!
Oh Vienna! - a Vienna-ish lager, funnily enough

3kg Pilsner
750g Vienna
500g Caramunich
25g NZ Hallertau @ 60 min
10g NZ Hallertau @ 10 min
Wyeast 2206 Bavarian Lager

Sparge ran really well, though haven't calculated efficiency yet.

Sadly it looks like the yeast has let me down here. I was a bit concerned because the smack-pack didn't inflate all that much but I pitched it anyway. 48 hours later and there's no sign of activity. I'm letting the temperature come up a bit to see if this kicks it into life - if this doesn't work I'll consider pitching a sachet of Saflager or similar.


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