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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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My vote would be for no aroma hops. Let the malt express itself. Just give it a nice bit of bitterness - maybe 60ibu. Any of the high alpha hops at 60min would be fine.
45g of Green Bullet it is then. Pretty hard when Im a hop addict.
Hummmmm, sitting at 1.035 and not alot happening. I know it's only early days but I have a another ale sitting next to it at 1.023 with wyeast 1318, I know this is a slow yeast but it been in there for 2 weeks. All my other beers attentuate well but these two..... well im getting a little nervous. what to do what to do, also 1318, very funky esters and phonlics,, remind me of a beer our brewery in the uk used to make, Golden Zest.
Most likely you have underpitched. You should have got 70%.
I've not had a beer finish this high but I imagine some more yeast might kick it along. S05 maybe - it is a pretty gutsy performer under the strain of high alcohol.

The phenolics are likely to be from the smoked malt (hopefully). Give it some time to mellow there.
No phenolics (well no funky ones from the S04) but the 1318, wow!! its a great yeast but I dont think it is the yeast for the beer im using it for. More like a ordinary or summer. under pitching? I used to packets for 16l? mr malt said to use 1.3? I was aiming for around 1.017-1.025, Pitching a new strain of yeast is it OK?
I think I misunderstood your first post and I'm too tired to try to work it out... I'll look again after some sleep.
I thought you had 1318 in the smoky.
Strange. I pitched 3 packs of S05 into 23L of 1.100 and it is solid as a rock at 1.024. Been there a week - with 150g of dry hops - and is past being ready to keg.
I wounder what I done wrong..............that was 1.035 yesterday lets try now.
1.037? same temp? ....bugger tastes good I can always mask it with a dry hop and bitterness lol. not the same!!
Summer Ale and Saison all done. The Saison attenuated out really well from 1.058 to 1.008 in 5 days, nice and dry with warm alcohol and a nose full of citrus and bubblegum belgian funk. Can't wait for a taste.
Next up, finally an Oatmeal stout.
5.5kg Maris Otter
0.7kg Oats
0.3kg crystal
0.4kg Chocolate
0.4kg Roasted Barley
NZ Goldings Hops to 35IBUs @ 60mins
US 05 yeast.
The most amazing weather all week in the wairarapa, Makes me thirsty, Thinking of making another beer with the saison yeast next, maybe something with some fruit/spice addition as it seems quite amenable to it.
Good looking recipe: looks even better when you see the yeast! Wouldn't mind having a try of that Saison... fancy a swap with either: Wit Bier, Blonde Ale, IPA, or ESB? I'm in New Plymouth...
Sure, wouldn't mind trying the Wit bier. Thinking of doing one or two this summer instead of my standard hefe. Not sure how a bottle would go in the mail, unless you've done it before with no hassles? The alternative is my parents are driving up to new plymouth on 24dec, a few bottles could be slipped in to their car and vice versa if you can wait that long.

I couldn't wait for the weekend, so I cracked into your beer and I thought I would give you my tasting notes for your reference!

Light Orange-Yellow hazy colour with a Large white moussy head. Aroma is Juicy Fruity without a doubt. Tropical Fruit Esters dominate. Some slight spice rounds out the aroma with a slight cough syrup phenolic funk.

There is some soft alcohol on the nose. Taste is Light to Medium in body. Sweet malty flavour starts the pallate. Juicy fruit ester dominates the background notes. Medium Carbonation.
Hop Ballance is shared with alcohol warmth. Finishes slightly bitter/tart with some welcome spicy funk.

Overall impression is a refreshing beer with funky overtones and dominant chewing gum (not to be confused with pink bubblegum) esters. It is tasting fresh and would benefit with a little extra carbonation (my fault for not waiting!)

I could definately drink a few of these.

Thanks for the swap again - I hope you enjoyed mine as much as I enjoyed yours.


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