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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Now that sounds sexy!
It finished bang on 1.100.
What yeast did you use? i had a few problems with mine....
Three packets of US05. It's gently kicking off now - no bubbles, just pressure and a wee foam on top. I'll let you know how I go.

What problems did you have?
Stuck ferment mainly, i don't like to rouse but had to a couple of times, attenuation wasn't the best i wanted it to be slightly cleaner but given the result i'm pretty happy with it ;0)
Do you rehydrate or are you a sprinkler, or a sprinkler & stirrer
i rehydrate, i make a starter with some of the cooled wort
Dry hopping with 100g of NZ Cascade flowers today. Thanks to Craig Bowen.
The ferment was on the button, as controlled as John Key's election campaign - 20c and it never got more than about 2 inches of krausen. I would have been concerned if the krausen started coming out the airlock, that's a bad sign in my house.

There's so much hop matter at the bottom of the fermenter that I'm considering a secondary...

James - 3 packs of S-05 seems to have been spot on.
holy shit your considering a secondary....crazy! ;0)

Coolio three packs it is next time!
If it didn't mean mucking around with another round of cleaning and sanitising I'd be doing it right now. Maybe I'll just keg it...
how long will it last if you keg it? ;0)
If I keep taking hydrometer samples at the rate I'm drinking them (oh, I mean, "checking" them) it will be 200 days (unless my hydrometer samples increase to full pint size, then it'l last a lot less).

I'm really going to try to be good with this one. I've got two kegs of Mild to keg this week, so tat'll keep me happy for a while. I'll also try to brew a couple of beers, or one at least, before head back to work (25th looking likely).


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