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Brewed a dubbel last Saturday.  Can't remember the amounts but it went something like this


Weyermann Premium Pils

Caramunich II


Special B

Dark Candi Sugar



65C mash


about 23 IBU of Tettnanger


Wyeast 1214


Target OG was 1.064 but was a windy shitty day so didn't get the boil off I expected and only hit 1.059, major bummer.

What was the recipe for your Wit?


You reckon it's better than Hoegaarden?

Don't worry... I stalked your discussions and found it. Looks like Jamils one. Never brewed his one before either - any good?


Does the Chamomile come through enough? Does it need more?


You getting any bubblegum character coming through? Does it need it?


I got some WLP400 especially for the bubblegum character.

Yeah my recipe was Jamil's one.


I used two reasonably old tea bags of chamomile tea for 20L (it was supposed to be 1.0g but I used my kitchen scales and I'm pretty sure it was more than a gram), and it definitely comes through.  More so in the flavour, seems to give it a sort of floral laundry detergant kinda thing (not it a bad way haha).


I used more citrus zest than the recipe calls for 60g made up of 2 grapefruit, 2 valencia oranges, 2 Mandarin ortaniques.  I tasted it in the fermenter and thought it could do with a bit more citrus to brighten it up a bit so made an extract with some vodka and the zest of three valencia oranges and let it steep for five days, filtered and added to the keg.  Change was subtle but strong enough to do what I wanted.


Quite strong bubble gum I think but the chamomile seems to add to this, I used WYeast 1214/Chimay for this though.


Does it need the bubble gum?  I dunno, I like it.  But I think you have to be careful to get a good balance of everything, yeast character, coriander, chamomile, and zest, but still keep it subtle.  One thing that I like Hoegaarden for over mine is the balance, this one could definately do with some tweaking to perfect it.


Better than Hoegaarden?  I prefer mine, mainly because it's a little more assertive and fresher.  Also, the level of malt flavour and mouthfeel in mine is a bit higher.

I made a very similar beer, that I'm still drinking, using T-58 and a load of chamomile. I overdid the chamomile a bit but is still ok, definitely adds juicyfruit and a slight minty flavour. The yeast is good but not great.

Working on the next 1033 Baby Brown for Sunday morning.
caramalt and crystal up from 12 to 14% - still light compared with some of the published low gravity grists
Chocolates up 4.5 to 8% - hoping this'll hold up the extra hops
Hops up from 91% of OG to 110%

Sauvin to bitter then a combo of Hallertau, Cascade and Motueka at 20 10 and 1
Repitch of S-05 from last weeks pale

If I like this, it'll be my staple brown, if not I'm happy to stop tinkering and go back to the 1036 recipe that I was happy with

i'd up the cara/crystal more and keep the choc around 4-5%.  the cara will hold the hops but the choc will add to perceived bitterness. at 8% it'll be bordering on black.

OK, 6% cara and 12% Pale Crystal for 18%

Used medium in the last couple, was considering dark, but I think I'll save that for the lighter version


No problem with it getting dark - I'll meet you at 6%


Drop you a bottle in the New Year sometime


cheers, jt

This one's now in the fridge to knock off a few ºC before pitching the yeast later this afternoon.

Belgian Dark Strong Ale (of sorts)

Batch Size: 23.00 L
Actual OG: 1.068 SG but I still haven't added 750 mil Belgian Dark Candy Syrup.
Estimated Color: 43.3 EBC
Estimated IBU: 27.1 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 80.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

4500.00 gm Pale Malt, Ale (Barrett Burston) (5.9 EBC)Grain 75.00 %
480.00 gm Munich I (Weyermann) (14.0 EBC) Grain 8.00 %
400.00 gm Special B Malt (354.6 EBC) Grain 6.67 %
250.00 gm Caramunich II (Weyermann) (124.1 EBC) Grain 4.17 %
150.00 gm Caraaroma (390.0 EBC) Grain 2.50 %
120.00 gm Maris Otter (6.0 EBC) Grain 2.00 %
100.00 gm Amber Malt (85.0 EBC) Grain 1.67 %
98.00 gm Strisslespalt Plugs [3.40 %] (60 min) Hops 28.6 IBU
1 Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
1 tsp Yeast Nutrient
Starter Trappist High Gravity (Wyeast Labs #3787)

The Maris Otter is only in there because I ran out of Pale Malt and Munich I. I'll need to do a stocktake, and correct my BeerSmith inventory, things have gotten a little out of whack.

Brewing a pretty standard beer today




100% GP


65 Degree Mash


17Ibu Motueka @ 60

50g Motueka @ 10

50g Motueka @ 0


1.050 - 1.012 5% ABV


Kolsch Yeast


you alright mate?

I have asked myself a thousand times and I keep getting back NO!!! BUT HOWEVER!!! I have something lined up next that will have all those other bastards in WBC running SCARRED!!! RED ErYED SAISON!!!!!

Its makes me angrey thinking about the beer!!


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