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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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I've tried various things kits, extract & AG (with and without gypsum). I don't really think it's the water, I was just looking for an easy excuse for crappy beer☺

I brewed one good porter based on a recipe from Brewing Classic Styles but it started gushing after 3 weeks in the bottle, it tasted great for the first 2 weeks though. I'm planning on re-brewing that recipe as my next beer so time will tell.
It's worth having a read of the water links in 'The Library', they sum up water extremely easy and take the mysticism out of it.

Water chemistry has made a good improvement to my beers, it just gives them a little something extra that sometimes seems to be missing.

Just give your water company an email and let them know you want an analysis, I've done this a couple of times and have got the report back no dramas.
The Welly analysis is on the web for each of the treatment plants, but as they can pipe water anywhere from the different plants, it's a bit hard to know which water you're getting at any given time
I take the average from the various sources for the city - it seems to work as a guide.
Talking about late additions, I notice that Barry consistantly seems to put his last one in a 3 minutes ... Bazza, is there a reason for that ?

cheers, jt
yep, 1 reason is that I know flame out additions contribute to bitterness, but promash doesn't count them in IBU's. This is even more so for no-chillers.
Second reason is that they would probably be 5 minute additions but I'm making paltry mental allowances for no-chilling, mental allowances that are constrained by the fact that they still have to allow for reason #1 (promash).

Totally unscientific, sure makes you curious though eh? :)
yea, makes me wonder how I'd brew your case swap bitter without no chilling !
I've wondered the same. Everything I've ever read points at the fact that no-chill beers should have massive chill haze and little or no hop aroma. Barry's case swap beer proved that all wrong.
I shall wonder some more with a hydro sample of Pukie Too .. which should really be my 'what are you drinking' post ..
I no chill and don't get chill haze often. My last couple of beers have been damn near crystal clear after a little gelatin treatment.

I was considering adding polyclar, however don't think there is a need!
Yeah same, I have no problems with clarity after using gelatin.
I've considered kettle finings to reduce the hot break going into the no-chill fermenter, but have just never got around to it. Actually if Steve Plowman still has some carrageenan left out at Hallertau I might grab some this afternoon.
Mashed in soon after the first hail shower went past - great posssibilty of some of that chill haze and that's me, not the beer !
A cascade ale
92.5% ADM
5% Medium Crystal
2.5% Wheat
1.038and 26 IBU cascade with '05
I omitted the dry hops and used them as flame out last time, splitting them between dry hop and flame out this time, for a bit of both worlds


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