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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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They go down really well.... down the drain! :)

To be honest SID isn't too bad if you have nothing else to drink, but I wouldn't buy it.
Which makes me wonder, has anyone had a good bottle of their APA?

I've had a couple of their other beers which have been quite nice, but tried their APA twice and both bottles were dud's, but may have just been past their best by.
I think you've missed the point Greig.
Didn't you love Kid Chocolate? This is what we were attempting to brew. Something like what NZ Draughts should be. Perhaps the type of beer they once were...? If i was going to brew a beer like this in bulk then swappa crates, stubbies and workingman/cosmopolitan clubs probably would be the way to go. Though you'd never compete with the big boys on price unless you stopped to their sugary tactics. Kid Chocolate's main problem was probably just that... it was absolutely loved by a few, who saw it for what it was, but it didn't wow those who were expecting a 3.5% beer to taste as big as a 5-6% beer.
Yeah, you have a point. I guess it's more the attitude of "must only ever drink one thing" that makes me sad.
Some people can't be turned.
I was thinking something similar with the Beer Icons thread

It's as if there's a national pride in it, like it's an icon.

Do we have such a beer in New Zealand ?

I know we have icons in the marketeers beer world, the yea right, red like a fire engine, export yourself beer, but you know I don't mean that.

What's the beer that we all accept as a good one, not swill, not boutique, not a one off or seasonal.
What's the accepted good beer out there - I don't think there is one is there ?
That's a good thread... nice link. Up there with Hugh's "quote of the week".
Hi, what size batch is this recipe for?
Efficiency was a bit off, so I only got an OG of 1.052. Hydrometer sample was pretty tasty though, and the lower OG should just make it more drinkable.
Tasted the hydrometer sample of this last night and it's niiiiice. More bitter than I expected, plus loads of hop character. I've now crashed it to 0 degrees for a few days and will then fine it and get it in a keg as soon as I've got an empty one.
Since I have a going to have a clean 1056 yeast cake from case swap 3, I thought I might have an attept a yet another Russian Imperial Stout.

80% Marris Otter
6% Caraaroma
4% Med Crystal
6% Roast Barley
3% Choc Malt
1% Pale Choc

65 Deg Mash

120min Boil

25Ibus of Nugget @ 60, 30
30 Ibu of Coloumbus @ 20
Finished with Cascade and Willamette @ 5 and 0

90 Ibus

Then im going to bottle and wax them, then bury the bastards over at my olds so I dont drink the fuckers!!
Nailed It 80% Eff on a big beer first time for everything!! I had to put 9g of Calcium Carbonate to get the mash around 5.2 I hope its not to much. Ended up Hopping it with

30Ibu of Nugget @ 60
100g Colombus @ 15
100g Nugget @ 5
70g Each of Styrian Goldings and Fuggles @ 1


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